Haunting in Connecticut

by Brenda - Webmaster
(This Website)

Halloween is coming and The Haunting in Connecticut is on my personal list of must-see movies for the Halloween season.

I wouldn't say this movie is my favorite, but I've watched it numerous times, so something about it keeps me coming back.

First it's creepy and I love creepy. What's creepier than moving into a house whose basement used to be a mortuary? Well that little tidbit ought to reveal a little about its disturbing elements. Elements like the flashbacks.

The other thing that makes
The Haunting in Connecticut creepy is that the oldest boy in the family is quite ill. Apparently it's why he's so open to the spirits that dwell within. After all, he's on death's doorstep and mere inches from becoming a ghost himself. This ill boy by the way, is having visions.

The plot thickens when we find out he's also sleeping in the basement where the mortuary used to be. Would you sleep in an area that used to be a mortuary? Especially one that is old, dark, damp and filled with shadows? Ooooh boy, I wouldn't. You wouldn't catch me down there alone for two seconds, let alone sleeping in it. At night. By myself!

Now back to the visions. What are they all about? Well, these flashbacks or haunting visions are images of the happenings that occurred in the house and are coming from those haunting it.

We learn that the kid's all-too-close proximity to the mortuary and his illness is a predisposition leading to the "P" word (P as in possession), which is why he begins to look like death warmed over. Although I honestly don't think several rounds of chemotherapy and experimental cancer drugs are going to work as beauty treatments on anyone.

Okay, there's definitely a haunting going on. (A plus in my book with any movie!) Then, the movie is creepy, it's disturbing, it's got that chilling element and those are all the reasons why I like it.

But try to pinpoint why it's not my favorite and I'd have to say it's because the movie's tone is morose and gloomy.

What? That probably makes no sense since I give its creepiness a thumbs up. But maybe you'll know what I mean after you've seen it. Some comedic interludes might lend it some additional interest and break up the gloom, but there's no comedy or interludes in this film.

The ending is unsettling, but what do you expect? That's just another part of its creepiness. There's also an element of sensationalism that pushes it over the top. It's like it's trying hard to be a horror flick, when it would have done just as well or better as a mystery.

All in all though, it's a high quality flick for the horror genre and we always need more of those. Virginia Madsen (the very pretty lady from
Candyman) stars. Also Elias Koteas (Let Me In, Shutter Island) and Kyle Gallner (Nightmare on Elm Street (2010), Jennifer's Body).

If you are looking for a flick that will make you leave the lights on or keep you thinking about it long after it's over, you've got see it.

I watch it on
Netflix (link opens in new window) and get it streaming to my TV through my WII. But you can watch The Haunting in Connecticut on your computer or get the DVD through the mail.

You can click here to
check out how to get Netflix's streaming service and start watching the best horror movies instantly (a new window will open) for nearly as cheap as just one rental at your local store.

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