Haunted Vehicle?

by Lizette
(El Paso, TX)

Haunted Truck?

Haunted Truck?

My boyfriend bought a 1948 Dodge pickup truck about 5 years ago from a family friend. The exact details of how this truck came into the friends possession is unknown, but I have heard that he got it from a gentleman who passed away (his age and date of death are unknown). My boyfriend has had many bizarre experiences ever since he purchased this truck. He has heard the radio playing when the key is not in the ignition, the doors opening and closing when no one is in, or even around the truck!

One time, his uncle walked up to the truck thinking his brother (my boyfriend's Dad) was sitting inside of it and was actually talking to someone! It turns out my bf’s dad was inside the house the whole time.

These are the events of the night I took this picture which was on Dec 16, 2008 at 8:50pm. (I used a SONY Cybershot DSC-S700):

We were sitting around talking about all these strange occurrences so we decided to go outside and take pictures of the truck. The porch light was turned off, and since it was nighttime, the only light we were working with was the flash of my camera. At first, the pictures were coming out very dark, and all we could see upon reviewing them was the reflection of the headlights of the truck. We decided to get a little closer. This time, I stuck my arm out as far as it would go and snapped the picture. As the flash went off, I looked inside the truck and saw someone sitting inside!!! I got so scared, I ran back inside the house. After determining it wasn’t any of his family members, we decided to upload the picture onto his computer, since you couldn’t see any details upon reviewing that particular picture on my camera. We uploaded the pic onto Kodak Easyshare software and sure enough, you could see someone sitting there, on the passenger side!

You can make out a dark shadow on the passenger side which resembles a human body. Unfortunately, because the picture was so dark, we couldn’t make out any other details. I edited the picture with the “enhancement" option, which only brightened up the picture a bit. I still have the original picture unedited if you would like to compare the two.

I am sending this picture now to you, in hopes that you might be able to clear up the fuzziness and be able to reveal more details and tell me what you see.

This picture is coming to you in its original state, except for the fact that I enhanced it, which ONLY brightened up the picture, and NOTHING else. There have not been any other changes made to this picture, and I assure you this picture is NOT A FAKE NOR A HOAX. Thank you. :o)

Here is the original photo:

Haunted Truck

Ed Okonowicz believes that objects can be haunted, as past owners leave their imprints on inanimate objects. He write about it in two separate books here and here. We recommend them to learn more on the subject. - Brenda, Webmaster

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Haunted Vehicle?

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Aug 24, 2011
by: Lisa

I see the "person" on the right clear as day. That one scares me more than the one inside the truck. I see at least three "ghosts" in this photo... VERY AWESOME PIC.

Aug 05, 2011
by: Rachelglass

It looks like an Indian.

Jul 31, 2011
Its' A Hoax
by: Anonymous

You can clearly see the top picture is showing the left headlight more and the bottom is showing most of the hood so it looks like she took the first with someone sitting in it (maybe a family member) then took the bottom picture without the flash. THE TOP ONE SHOWING HOOD MORE, BOTTOM SHOWING HALF THE LEFT HEADLIGHT MY MISTAKE.

Jul 02, 2011
by: belivever

The reason the 2 pics look different is because it has been cropped. By the way see the original pic. Can't anyone see the face of a young man in the door of the garage??? Great pic :). So don't be scared of spirits because the more you show you are scared the worse it is:(

Jun 10, 2011
by: Anonymous

I seen that and I screamed....That's too scary!

Jun 01, 2011
This one really freaked me out! (I did the enhancing myself!)
by: Raine

This really was one of the outstanding and scariest photo I've seen. Well, I am in our office today, and I was just browsing ghost photos and videos when I came and visited this site. And this one really freaked me out! I must say, I was scared to death! The hairs all over my body stood out and also got freaked!

I read almost all the comments posted here, and some who commented here said that they took the original photo and did the enhancing themselves. So, what I did is, I also saved the photo and used www.picnik.com (a photo-editing site) that really gave a clear evidence, or I must say "proof" that there were really some spooky images inside and outside that scary truck.

Well, as I've come to enhance the photo, and zoomed it, I really could not find the "child" many were saying, but all I found out were these: a nun on the left side (passenger's seat) of the truck, and the other one was OUTSIDE the truck, specifically like opening the door (right side) of the driver's side of the truck.

I suggest you do the same just as I did, to see for yourself, that this isn't a HOAX. Okay?

Apr 19, 2011
Fake or not??
by: paranormal investigator

Well it is hard to make a determination weather a pic is fake or not by just seeing it in this type of forum. Can it be fake? Sure any investigator would tell you that along with any sensible person. Can it be paranormal? Absolutely. Is it? Don't know for sure when you do paranormal investigating and are confronted with evidence then you must be skeptical if its not evidence you have captured in a controlled environment. When presented with a pic such as this. You have to ask a lot of questions and consider a lot of things such as who took it who was there how was the weather conditions, etc. So it is an interesting pic. But to look at it and say for sure weather it's for real or just someone caught sitting in the truck. well that's hard to say.

Apr 16, 2011
Believe or Not
by: George

Don't know why people rip the backside outa people who experience things like this, they should be lucky we share our findings. Are they jealous because haven't been so lucky to record these moments in time or.....?

Ghosts don't have to be transparent because in my experience my ghost was quite solid.....perhaps it's to do with the energy they can muster?
All my life it's been hard for some people to believe my story and it is so frustrating but to be honest, if I had not of had an experience myself, I would probably find it hard to come to terms with this pic too! I BELIEVE....

Mar 13, 2011
by: dean

I found out you're mystery, conveniently that truck used to be owned my the Carlson's back in the 1800's now Jim Carlson was a doctor in Mass but by 1895 he, his wife, and his 32 year old son took a ride to the market in the middle of the night, truck shut down, ending up in a lake drowning his wife and kid.

He did restore the truck when it was fished out, but 3 days before his death he had it up for sale and he took some photos with the same figure. He notified the authorities it was his son so they told him not to touch the truck or he would anger it, knowing his son loved his truck. He said from the day his father bought it, he will never leave it alone to rust.

Hope that helps.


Feb 19, 2011
im not sure honestly
by: brittney

im not really sure whether or not this is fake. it does look pretty obvious that a living person is sitting in the car....but i have also taken some shots with my phone that scared me, my family, and my friends. im only 13 but i know what i am talkin about. i took a pic that showed a black man pointing towards my mother. yes, the pic was bright enough i could tell he was black. another weird thing was the same black ghost was seen laying in my sisters bed when my mom took a shot of her sitting on it on her birthday. after a few more encounters (one was violent) we moved 2 states over!!! i know your pain but im still not sure.

Feb 19, 2011
im not sure honestly
by: brittney

im not really sure whether or not this is fake. it does look pretty obvious that a living person is sitting in the car....but i have also taken some shots with my phone that scared me, my family, and my friends. im only 13 but i know what i am talkin about. i took a pic that showed a black man pointing towards my mother. yes, the pic was bright enough i could tell he was black. another weird thing was the same black ghost was seen laying in my sisters bed when my mom took a shot of her sitting on it on her birthday. after a few more encounters (one was violent) we moved 2 states over!!! i know your pain but im still not sure.

Jan 27, 2011
People who call this fake
by: Tim

Okay, anyone who calls this fake obviously just goes on these sites to rip on them when they have no idea what really is there or is showing. Those people have no respect, and to them I say, gtfo.

Nov 16, 2010
Very interesting
by: Tania

This picture is quite scary. I must admit that the figure did look like a jacket hanging over the seat, but it seems odd that there would be a really tall seat on the one side but not the other. I am leaning towards believing this picture...

Oct 14, 2010
I lol'd at people saying it's fake.
by: Believer

I really lol'd at those of you who commented saying this is fake. Especially at THIS IS SO FAKE. The only reasoning you have for this picture being fake is the placement between the two? Wow. If you actually read the comments, Lizette clearly explains that it was the cropping that made it look different. You have to crop the photos so they will be posted on here if they are larger than allowed. Anyways, Lizette, I do believe you truly have something here, and I am intrigued by what the paranormal team found with Jennie. I was hoping you had the DVD they showed you, or at least a copy of it so all of us could truly see and hear their findings.

Sep 18, 2010
2 Ghost
by: Anonymous

Was there someone standing in the doorway when you took this picture? Is the truck in a garage that is connected to the house? To me it looks like someone with a white t shirt is standing in the doorway and he is very 1950's looking to me if that makes ant sense. He is on the right hand side of the picture. IDK..... Maybe I am seeing things.

Sep 16, 2010
Sorry friend
by: anoop

Even I accept with one of the friend comparing your original ohoto and the photo you said to be brightened. The car lights are seen in the original you have taken but its not the case in the one you have brightened.

The second point is that there is some gap between the image in the car from the left in the photo you have brightened and its not the case in the original

Sep 01, 2010
Nice one.
by: DoomRaZoR

I see the Nun/Chubby man in the seat, and i also see the kid in the driver's side, it looks to me like he's trying to climb out the window. Perhaps its an imprint of some mundane happening back in the 40's/ 50's?

Aug 08, 2010
by: corpse

I do believe in ghosts. Definitely something bad has happened in the car, & the thing wants to tell you something. Believe it or not ghosts do exist.

Jul 29, 2010
by: Maudi

What's that big right thing on the right?

Jun 26, 2010
by: Anonymous

It isn't rocket science, just look and compare the two.

Jun 19, 2010
If It Is
by: Anonymous

If it is real it looks like a native American Indian.

Jun 19, 2010
Maybe not as fake as you think
by: Aria Renee

Although the placement of the picture is a bit off, if you look at the dark picture, you can still see somewhat of a figure similar to the one above it. It may be the light in the room I am in, but to me, the picture on the bottom is very convincing.

Jun 18, 2010


1.In the original picture the headlight of the car are shown while the "enhanced" picture's headlights are not shown.

2.In the original picture the window is not completely shown while in the enhanced picture it is.

3.I have seen the camera u have used and taken sample shots (in the dark) and the graphics are pretty clear than in the picture you have taken

Jun 13, 2010
Get Your Answers
by: Deber

I belong to a group that investigates Haunted Vehicles. www.hauntedvehicles.com www.bandedspirits.com. Anyway, we have investigated guite a few cars ..hearses..boats etc. and YES they too can be haunted. The best thing you can do is to invested in a digital voice recorder that can be up loaded to your pc. You can find them for 40 bucks! Sit in the car and start asking questions. Like, who are you. WHat is your name. How old are you. Was this your car. Why did you die. and Do you need help. etc.
Be sure to wear a good set of head phones when you review the recording. Good luck and remember it is the living you have to be afraid of!

Apr 15, 2010
by: Anonymous

sorry this is fake. this is someone in the car.

Feb 09, 2010
by: Lexi

This is unbelievable! that is amazing. i have never been lucky enough to capture anything paranormal on camera. Nice job with the pic!!!

Jan 24, 2010
by: Anonymous

If this is not a hoax it is pretty damn spooky. It looks like a person (for lack of better description) wearing a "nun" headdress, and looking right at the camera.

Dec 02, 2009
by: Lizette

the post below regarding the different angle. Read my post back on 27Dec. The reason the two pics look different is because I had to crop both my submissions to be sure they uploaded onto this site. The original, unedited picture was way darker than the picture I enhanced, therefore when I went to crop the original, unedited picture to be able to submit it to this site, it was too dark for me to see it to match the picture I enhanced.
I hope this helps! :o)

Dec 02, 2009
Different Angle?
by: Anonymous

First of all, I want to say the picture is very intriguing. But I do have a question. Out of curiosity I grabbed the original darker picture and lightened it myself and noticed the angle of the picture is different. The top photo that has been lightened seems to be a head on shot and shows more of the "figure" in the passenger's seat while the darker picture shows less of the figure in the passenger's seat. Why is that??

Nov 30, 2009
Thanks for the comments!
by: Lizette

Thank you everyone for your comments. Almost a year has gone by since I posted the pic and I'm amazed that I'm still receiving comments. For those of you who haven't or don't read through ALL the comments please do so. I posted a lengthy post back in June or July with the results of the investigation that PITT did on Jennie (the truck).
I still haven't come to the conclusion if what I caught a pic of was something paranormal or just simply a homeless person like some of you have suggested. I'm leaning more towards something paranormal because I don't understand why the face isn't clear (if it was in fact a human person). Why can't I clearly make out the eyes, nose or mouth?
Bostghuster: I assure you with all sincerity that it is NOT a jacket hanging over the seat. Look closely at the drivers side. The drivers side doesn't have a seat tall enough to hang anything over it. Well, the passenger seat is exactly the same. Do some research on a 1948 Dodge pickup. You'll see that the backs of the seats in those things went straight across, and were connected. One long seat, not like the trucks of today were the driver and passenger have their own individual seats.
Regardless, I still would like to thank everyone for your opinions. Believers and non believers. Thanks for keeping my page afloat! :o)

Nov 30, 2009
It's definitely a jacket
by: Bostghuster

Sorry to ruin everybody's excitement with this picture but it's blatantly a jacket that's been hung over the back of the seat. The "face" is just the head rest of the seat that the jacket has been hung on.

Oct 26, 2009
Did the cab smell?
by: Anonymous

Did you consider the fact that someone could have just been sleeping in the truck, like a homeless person?

Oct 24, 2009
by: Anonymous whoa!!

I see a man sitting in the passenger seat and the baby face laughing or crying with something on top of the baby's head outside of the truck above by the driver's side. I also see a strange big cat at the front of the truck. That cat have big eyes and there is a man mouth below the cat's eyes. Strange and crazy pic. There are alot of spirits in that truck.

Oct 23, 2009
TruthSeekers' Advise
by: Guardian Angel

Just some clarification on TruthSeekers advise. By pointing the Bible in the direction of the ghost, you are proclaiming that you have power in Christ, and the ghost can't even touch you. I have done hundreds of investigations and this has never failed to protect me when I needed it.

Oct 15, 2009
by: Liz

that picture is crazy i wonder how your friend got the truck fome a died person but pretty goog story

Sep 30, 2009
I had to do it for myself.
by: Anonymous

It seemed too clear in the enhanced version, so i took the original picture myself and brought it into photoshop. by just changing the contrast and brightness, i could clearly see the guy in the truck. that's not photoshopped :]

and i do see the white figure entering the drivers side too.

Sep 30, 2009
I had to do it for myself.
by: Anonymous

It seemed too clear in the enhanced version, so i took the original picture myself and brought it into photoshop. by just changing the contrast and brightness, i could clearly see the guy in the truck. that's not photoshopped :]

and i do see the white figure entering the drivers side too.

Sep 14, 2009
by: darrin

that obviously is a dirty hippie who was to high to get home after a night of protesting and playing a banjo. that dirty hippie broke into the garage huffed a can of gas and then crawled into that truck and passed out only to wake up when the camera flashed

Sep 07, 2009
by: Anonymous

I looked at both pics, and used my browser to zoom in on the truck, and you can plainly see something or someone there. Truly freeky!

Jul 26, 2009
by: Anonymous

yes its so freaky picture.

Jul 23, 2009
It's a jacket
by: Anonymous

It looks to me to be a coat or jacket hanging in the back. The "face" in the hair is just the jacket lining, or possibly the dim reflection of a face in the windshield. Digital photosites do really strange things at ultra low signal levels (i.e. very low light) and the auto-gain circuits generate "artifacts" which can easily be mis-identified by our pattern searching brain.

Think about the "face" of Mars. It was just a trick of the light as a second photo from a slightly different angle showed what was really there.

Jul 13, 2009
by: Anonymous

Wow this is absolutely FANTASTIC!
But can anyone see a white siluette entering the other side of the car?!
I couldn't help noticing it...
wow, this is so weird and paranormal...

Jul 10, 2009
by: Karly

ok that is the scariest pic i hav seen. to those people who do NOT see the child i can tell you that it is in the drivers seat in the right hand corner. the subject in the left side looks like a female. the evidence the team found sounds awsome. maybe the woman in the pic could be calling the child and thats the reason they found evidence of a woman saying David. who knows? well any way that pic made me soil myself just kidding. but great pic. i wont be able to sleep tonite. p.s. who ever said that rude thing about lizette knock it off because that is rude and dis respectful. -Karly

Jun 22, 2009
I can see the little children
by: Evelyn

I read all the post. At first I don't saw the little one, but if see carefully in the drivers seat there is like 1 year or 2 year baby, the cloth is white and you can see the arm.
I honestly think the photo is real.
You have to be in the scene and live the experience.
In Puerto Rico we have a saying that say, Anyone knows what is in the pot, only the spoon that stir it.

Jun 19, 2009
by: Lizette

No, the truck does not belong to me. It belongs to an ex-boyfriend of mine. And no, I am not the one sitting in the truck because if you read the story attached with the picture, you would see that I was the one that took the picture. Unless I can somehow be in two places at once and not know it... And what exactly do you mean by "that person is not LARGE enogh to be you?" Do you know me? Do I know you? Have you ever seen me? DO you know what I look like? :o)

Jun 18, 2009
by: George

I have a question. Does the truck belong to you? It seems like the picture shows a woman sitting in the truck. You think it could be you? I think it might be you but the person in there is not LARGE enough to be you. :o)

Jun 11, 2009
by: Lizette

Hello, everyone! After an EXCRUCIATING 5month-and VERY WELL WORTH-wait, TXRATTLER and I got together over the weekend for the final reveal of the "Jennie" investigation. PITT (Paranormal Investigative Team of Texas) was kind enough to put together a 10minute DVD of their findings. Let me tell you, this video gave me the CHILLS! Unfortunately, they didnt catch too much photographic evidence. Although in almost every picture they took of the truck, there was an orb in every shot. What they did capture was several pictures with unexplained green lights seeming to appear out of nowhere.
Even though there really wasnt any photographic evidence to suggest that Jennie was haunted, the EVPs that PITT captured definitely suggested otherwise. They captured 4 VERY CLEAR EVPs, and listening to them made my skin CRAWL!! The first EVP was captured by one of the founders of PITT. He was sitting in Jennie, asking questions and captured what sounded like somebody trying to turn the truck on. You can hear the engine screeching. The second EVP was of the truck moving back and forth, it sounded like knocking. The third EVP was a female cough and the fourth EVP was somebody saying the name "David."
I am posting this information on my behalf, based on what I saw on the DVD the team put together of the evidence they gathered. Being that PITT actually conducted the investigation, and gathered the evidence, TXRATTLER has more information than I do about any paranormal activity going on with Jennie. Therefore I have given TXRATTLER permission to post any additional information regarding the investigation PITT conducted. He can give you all more details about what they found, or correct me if I'm wrong about anything I have posted in regards to the DVD.
I would like to take this time to thank TXRATTLER and PITT for the AMAZING job they did, and for (scary as hell) DVD they put together. They are truly an amazing group of people, and I am honored that I got to work with them. The amount of work and time they put into this investigation (and all their others) is no joke. These are people that not only enjoy what they do, they are dedicated as heck and awesome at what they do! :o)

Jun 11, 2009
by: Anonymous

Great picture! How exciting to capture something such as this. Definite features and could be the prior owner as spirits do tend to attach themselves to objects (and people) they were familiar with in life.

Apr 30, 2009
You can still see the figure
by: Vixen

I have studied both photos with my Daughter and both of us can still see the figure shape, you just have to look a little harder...however I think that you caught something there, as Spirits will hang about as long as the can...I try not to judge badly on anyones photo and neither should anyone else unless they were there themselves.

Apr 13, 2009
by: vivek

Hi,lizette i don't think that it is a fake picture. The eddited one is zoomed a little bit and i can make out a person sitting in the truck in the original picture. So belive in yourself ......

Apr 04, 2009
Dear Bright Eyes:
by: Anonymous

Read my post back on Dec 27. It will explain why you think the pictures are two different ones. They are not.
Please also read Brenda, the webmasters post on that same date. She checked both pics, and agrees that they are the same picture. They are.
There is no need to be sorry. Some people are believers and some are not. But I assure you this picture is neither a fake or a hoax. Thank you. :o)

Apr 04, 2009
Definitely Fake
by: Bright Eyes

If you look at the original picture below you can see that the two are completely different. For one, the picture at the top shows the whole truck window where as the picture at the bottom cuts off the truck window on the left. Also, the truck is more right on the top lighter picture than the bottom. I'd have to say this is fake. Sorry.

Apr 02, 2009
by: Anonymous

someone actually said carry a bible and point it in the direction you think a ghost is in. haha... nice one.

Mar 20, 2009
by: Steveo

That is totaly freaky it does look like a nun it made me jump big time lol

Mar 10, 2009
by: Lizette

...for your comments!! I was contacted by the investigators yesterday who told me they are completing the finishing touches on the investigations they conducted, and tying up any loose ends before the final reveal. They didnt give me any more information regarding what evidence they came up with, but they did say that I will be very pleased with the results. With that said, I am VERY EXCITED and very much looking forward to see what paranormal evidence they gathered based on this one (very controversial) picture that was taken.
Thanks again, everyone. I will keep you posted. :o)

Mar 08, 2009
by: J.Woolford

ok, thats pretty good. you sure its real?.

Mar 04, 2009
My Advice
by: TruthSeeker

Well,this seems diffrent from other pictures ive seen. The "ghost" seems very solid in my opinion. What you could do is cary a small Bible around with you, maybe in your purse of a bag or something, and when ever somthing happens that you think is supernatural, pull out the Bible, pooint it around where you think the source is, and quote 'the Lords Payer.' This has always helped me in the past. I pray you find out what it is and why it is there. And i shall keep you in my prayers.

Feb 28, 2009
Good Point
by: Brenda - Webmaster

Hi Guys

Anonymous makes a good point. He/she is only giving an opinion. I know people really believe something one way or the other, but let's let people speak without jumping at them, okay?


Feb 27, 2009
Didn't expect this coming at me!!!
by: Anonymous

OK. Didn't mean to step on anyones toes! I said, "I was surprised" how dark the photo was. I did not say it couldn't happen. How far away was this taken? Didn't say. Is there a flash on the vehicle? No. I've taken tons of pics in the dead of night in tons of circumstances and usually ended up with a little more clarity than that! Nothin super special about my camera! Just my opinion on a cool picture. Even the person who said ghosts aren't real earlier didn't get attacked... Hope we don't lock horns anymore.

Feb 27, 2009
I see the child too
by: Anonymous

This picture is incredible. I can see the person in the passengers seat and it is pretty creepy, I think this is one of the best photos of the paranormal that I have come across...

As for the guy that says this can't happen with a Sony Cybershot, you're wrong. I have the same camera and get the same kind of dark pictures. You might have a super special camera that allows you never to have a dark picture at night.

Feb 26, 2009
by: freaky

love it keep um comin

Feb 25, 2009
by: Buddyhoot

Interesting photo! I too have taken tons of pictures and gotten lots of things from orbs to people walking in the distance that were not there when I shot the photo. What amazes me is that I have the same kind of camera and was/am surprised how dark the photo is! Even taking night shots in the country would light up a cow or truck at 30 yards. Not even a flash reflection on any part of the truck! Pretty skeptical...

Feb 23, 2009
your friend brenda was right
by: ur cuz bb

i do see a figure of a child looking out the window towards the drivers seat if you look at it carefully you could see it and the child is standing on the drivers seat

Feb 19, 2009
That's creepy
by: Janelle

Well i do believe in ghost and that's a pretty scary picture and i believe you about this picture

Feb 17, 2009
dude thats crazy
by: ur cuz bb

hay i just want to say to let me know about the results with that creepy chick and it did creep me out so much tat i dnt wana go over ne more! And that i do beleive you .

Feb 09, 2009
by: Lizette

Hello everyone, thanks guys for all your comments, positive and negative! I wanted to use this oppurtunity to update everyone on the results that the paranormal invetigative team conducted back on Jan 03, 09 (please view update I posted on Jan 05). They contacted me with the results of the investigation just two short weeks after they conducted it. Unfotunately, they did not come up with anything in any of the pictures they took. However, they did hear a voice on the recorder they left in the truck when they did an "unmanned EVP session." The voice on the recorder was a female, and she said the name David.
This intrigued the team so much, that they asked to do another investigation, not just on the truck again, but on the entire property as well. they conducted their second investigation on Jan 30, 09. They expressed more odd occurences to include hearing people walking outside and sounds like somebody climbing the house to the roof. At some point during the night, we invited the team to come inside to warm up. One of the co-founders of the group stopped dead in his tracks. There is a portrait of my boyfriends grandpa (who is deceased) hanging in the living and that gentleman wanted to know who he was. Apparently, that gentleman had been having dreams about my bf's grandpa ever since they conducted the first investigation! He also stated that it is his grandpa who is present.
I havent heard the results of the second investigaiton, but as soon as i do, I will be sure to share with you all. Thank you! :o)
PS: T&M: My boyfriend knows better than to mess with me.

Feb 05, 2009
thoughts on the truck photo...
by: Anonymous

I see what appears to be an overweight woman with long brown hair, kind of teased. She appears to e smiling in a friendly way, so I wouldn't worry too much about it. But I do think she needs to cros over...unless she was just visiting for the day!

Feb 04, 2009
by: t&m

i think that it is someone in your family that is joking around with you because it propally is your boyfriend TRUST ME DONT BE SCARED IT IS JUST PLAIN DUMMN YOU KNOW THAT GHOST ARENT REAL

Jan 27, 2009
by: Anonymous

really, that's a very cheap picture. i think someone was playing a trick on you for sure.

Jan 25, 2009