Haunted School

by Violet
(Buffalo, New York, USA)

So I just graduated from school but the things that have happened to my sister and I at the school were really weird. (My sister still goes there.) I won't give you the name of the school because I don't want the principal calling me or anything.

Anyway, my school was built in an old factory. There were rumors going around saying that a little girl came into the factory with her dad to pick up his check. They say the girl walked off and fell into a machine. Bad thing was I heard this after I heard the girl of a voice calling my name in the bathroom. After this, the sinks all turned on at once. My sister says that the same thing happened to her but the toilets all flushed at the same time.

My friend said that once he was walking back to class when he saw a white figure walking into the Science Lab. Now this is another story that happened to me and again I can tell the future and I get bad feelings in the girl's bathroom. Again I have no idea if feeling things is connected to telling the future but that school really freaks me out. Good thing I don't go there anymore.

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