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Haunted Prisons - SCI Pittsburgh

by Larry
(Pittsburgh PA, USA)

When I worked there in 2001, I saw the ghost of a guard who was shot and killed in a riot at that same prison in 1925. This guard appeared to me on a tower post on the wall. He was in uniform. I could see his whole body, but his eyes were closed. It started to rain and the rain outlined his body so a could see him better. This was at 1130 am.

When I opened the tower door, he was gone.

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Haunted Prisons - SCI Pittsburgh

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May 04, 2011
by: RHU

Never saw an actual ghost there, but if you ever walked the basement or any of the old buildings there at night-alone. Its something a bit creepy.

Apr 22, 2010
by: em fromemaleighandmegon

is that true?

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