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Ghosts That Follow

by David C. Jr.
(Magnolia, NC, USA)

I used to go to school a lot, and I needed tutoring because the tests were hard. Once I go a while without doing math, I lack the skills necessary to succeed. But when I'm in school I try to excel, and not make poor test scores. I am a D+ STUDENT, I guess, because I mainly make high C's and high to low D's, not many B's and few A's.

When I was younger there was this spooky old college that I always wanted to go to. There was a tutor there and she would help me, with my math, her husband would help me with my English and history. History was hard because of all the facts and dates. I loved Tech Math with coach J., though. He made it fun, and easy. I think I passed that class with a C average. 80 something.

Every time I would get picked up by my mom, she would always see ghosts at this house. She saw one in a red sweater one time, in the window upstairs. Ghosts seem to follow me till this day, weather, from the cemetery or people's houses that I visit. And I have actually seen a ghost walk through the door from out side, believing it was my great grandma, because she always said she would come back to see us. After she passed, and the good Lord took her, she was a sweet woman, with, a big heart, and made me laugh all the time. She even had a few ghosts stories of her own. These follow me. The light bulb busted and we thought we had a poltergeist one day, from that college that's a house now.

One Halloween, I thought I saw four or five young kids playing and dancing around the tree in the middle of the yard. There were tall pecan trees several in that yard. That was the last Halloween I went to visit there.

I hope when I die, I will become, a ghost before I go to heaven, to watch over my grandma in Wallace if I die before her.

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