Ghosts and A Stop to my Grandpa's Grave
by Destinee W
(Tracy, CA, USA)
My Dad and Me
My dad, my step dad, my sister and I went to a concert in Dublin, CA one night about 2 months ago. I brought my camera along for the fun of it and after the concert we stopped by to visit my grandpa's grave in the Dublin Graveyard. My sister and I got a creepy feeling and didn't want to go in, but my dad made us. He had me take a picture of the grave stone, so I did. Are the streaks in the pictures evidence of ghosts?
The Graveyard was cold and pitch black at 11:30pm when we got there. No cars anywhere nearby and no street lamps, stray lights or even buildings nearby to get in the pictures. After the two of the gravestone I took one of my sister and then of my dad. I hadn't looked at the pictures yet and my dad asked my sister to take one my dad and me in front of a tree, so she did. We felt even more scared and wanted to run back to the car, but then she looked at the picture of my dad and I and got freaked out.
She handed the camera back to me and asked if it was broken and I said no as I looked at the picture. In front of my dad and I there were swirls or white and orange, vortices. I looked back through the rest of the photos I had taken and was even more in shock and scared out of my mind when I saw orbs and more vortices in all of the pictures. I ran to the car and me and my sister yelled at my dad to get in the car and drive. I took a picture in the car to just test and see if it was my camera, if it had broken or had something wrong with it. It was fine, no swirls or lights or orbs. Then we went home.
There are 4 pictures of vortices and 2 of my grandpa's gravestone. All taken in the graveyard in Dublin, and happens to be the same graveyard that the Donner Party is buried in.
My grandpa's grave.

Then the pictures I took minutes after:
This is my sister.

A random gravestone and my dad standing in the back to the right, you can somewhat see his shoes.

Then my sister took the picture of me and my dad.

and the last picture I took accidentally without the flash. It was suppose to be of my dad and step dad.

Hope this helps you prove anything.