Ghost Sightings: Huntington Memorial Hospital, Pasadena, California
by Barb
(Hemet, CA, USA)
My daughter was in the PICU of Huntington Memorial Hospital in Pasadena for about a month and a half over the summer of 2009. The PICU is in the "old" building, in a wing that has long been abandoned. Walking the halls you can see elevators that are no longer in service and abandoned closets and rooms.
One night, a girl had drowned and come in to the PICU by my daughter. While their family was "grieving" I had to leave because it was so sad. I ended up walking the winding hallways not seeing a soul on the way as it was very late (midnight or so). It wasn't unusual not seeing people walking around in that old building.
I was looking for a restroom and I happened upon an old-fashioned looking area with a counter. Sitting there was a woman in her 50's, black hair, older looking with a nurses uniform with round glasses and a sweater draped over her shoulders. She was working on some papers or something.
I asked her if there was a restroom nearby and she said I could use the one in a small waiting room off to the side. I told her thanks and went into the waiting room, decorated as if out of the 60's. I used the restroom and left.
A few days later, I decided to take a break, go for a walk and decided to use the restroom in the old waiting room. I came across a similar area but no one was there and it looked abandon. I was later told that area was no longer used and hadn't been in years. Further, I was told that the PICU and the morgue are the only active areas of that old building with the excepton of a couple of offices on the first floor. The old building was very creepy, on the first floor in one of the hallways there are mannequins in plastic display cases wearing various historic nursing uniforms.
One time I was going downstairs and somehow the elevator accidentally went to the basement. The doors opened, although I didn't step out when I noticed I was on the wrong floor. There was a double steel door with round windows and it was either an old abandoned operating room or perhaps an old morgue or something.
When my daughter transferred to Chidren's Hospital of Los Angeles I met a nurse there who had worked for years in the Huntington PICU. She said she believed the PICU building was haunted. She told me one of the doctors and many of the nurses on night shift would refuse to walk downstairs at night.