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Ghost Picture? The Lady On The Stairs

by Carla Williams
(Boynton Beach, FL)

I never liked being in my mothers house alone aka the house I grew up in. Although 10 of us occupied the house you never felt like you were alone even when we would be scattered through out the house or maybe just did catch the brake of being there alone.

But on the second floor where all the bedrooms and bathroom was there was always a feeling that someone was standing in the corner in front of the attic door. One day as I rounded the hallway I saw what looked like an older man and an older woman. She was standing with her arms down and crossed in front of her and her looked like an old timer with bib overhauls on. As they appeared to me I took off running back down the stairs to explain to those siblings in the house what I just saw. We all went back up and there of course was nothing to be seen.

However, after the death of my mother the house was cleaned out, renovated and put up for sale. During the renovations my nephew was taking pictures and captured the Lady on the stairs. This picture was taken of the attic stairs. As you can see there is a woman with her arms down and crossed at the hands and the face of a man leaning over the banister of the stairs.

I can only be so curious as to how the new owner of the house has been doing as do my siblings.

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Ghost Picture? The Lady On The Stairs

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Jul 25, 2011
by: Anonymous

That's a great picture although I don't think the man is leaning over the banister. It looks more like he's standing next to the woman and just isn't as fully formed as she is. :)

Jun 03, 2011
by: Anonymous


Apr 13, 2011
by: Annie

This is a great capture! However, I do not see the man leaning over the bannister.

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