Ghost on the USS North Carolina

by Nathan
(Wilmington, NC, USA)

Ghost in Engine Room Battleship North Carolina

Ghost in Engine Room Battleship North Carolina

This picture was taken in the engine room on the Battleship North Carolina. The image wasn't viewable from our digital camera until we put the pictures on the computer. That is when we saw a image of a face on one of the gauges behind me.

Note: Nathan, I had to enlarge your photo because it came across small. After enlarging, I then had to sharpen it. If you'd like to send another, larger photo, just make another submission.

For more information on the ghosts on this ship, we recommend this book as a great resource. - Brenda, Webmaster.

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Ghost on the USS North Carolina

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Jul 08, 2011
There is no more proof that these are demons...
by: Linda Cody

...than that they are "ghosts". Or dimensional time loops, or place memories, or some such. The group I was with took precautions, according to their beliefs, against the possibility of hostile entities attacking, or following us off the ship.

Demons attack persons who are uncertain about being protected by their Higher Power. (In my case, I know that "I am sealed by the Holy Spirit in baptism, and marked as Christ's own forever", and no demon can touch me.) If I wavered in that sure faith, I could become vulnerable to demon attack. But the people I "hunt" with are generally more mature spiritually, and have taken measures to protect themselves against spiritual evil.

That said, one person in our group did have an "attachment" follow her off the Battleship USS North Carolina, and it troubled her in her sleep that night, and was floating above her when she awakened the next day. She was one who allowed the occurrences on board the ship to frighten her the previous day. I don't know what you would call the entity that followed her, though I don't think it was demonic. She was able to get rid of it with the help of others in our group.

The point I am trying to make is -- don't go "ghost hunting" unless you are confident that you are protected from evil by your Higher Power. This doesn't mean that some of the stuff I meet up with doesn't occasionally give me a chill -- it means that I know it has no power to hurt me. Period. If people have doubts, however, negative energy can get a toehold and make your life miserable, and entities can follow you home.

Jul 08, 2011
Get away
by: Anonymous

They are real and they are not ghosts. They are demons and they can and will hurt you if you let them. You are playing with the devil and he will win.

Jun 20, 2011
The USS North Carolina Is Definitely Haunted
by: Linda Cody

After an hour of disrupted walkie-talkie, EMF detector and other electrical equipment function, I and ten other witnesses distinctly heard the crisp, loud, unmistakable sound of leather-soled footsteps walk through our midst in the Bullpen, out the door, down the hall, and down a staircase. This was footsteps on a plate metal deck, in a room with plate metal walls, and the footsteps passed less than a foot from where some of us were sitting, and three feet from where I myself was sitting. Yes, we checked the room thoroughly for hidden microphones. We were the only ones aboard the ship that night besides Danny, the night watchman, and he was asleep in his quarters at the time (we looked through his porthole a few minutes later). Since the sound moved from the center of the room to the doorway, passed through, went down the hall and down a flight of metal stairs, AND was so distinct and clear, Industrial Lights and Magic couldn't have produced that effect with trickery.

May 21, 2011
I Think
by: Anonymous

I think it might have been an old engineer or a worker.

Nov 04, 2010
grrr ..
by: Anonymous

Look !! there's another face on his rightside. Looks Like there's no eyes just the sockets are visible .. hope you'LL see it !!!

Jul 10, 2010
To Mr Anonymous
by: Kirstyx

You can judge other people or other people's sightings based on your experience, just because you haven't seen or caught any sightings of ghosts doesn't mean everybody else is the same.

On a personal note: I think this is just more evidence to the paranormal world :) x

May 18, 2010
Response to PCP
by: Nathan

I know that the picture is clear, but I know what we saw. I didn't believe before, but I do now. Thanks for the comment PCP.

May 14, 2010
by: Port City Paranormal

I can't tell much from the photo. It may just be matrixing but we have investigated the ship many times and have many EVP from there. We also have some video that we can't call hard evidence because of extenuating circumstances but it is hard to discount. We have seen shadow people and I have no doubt that the ship is haunted. Many of the staff on this ship have had close encounters so you just may have caught something. The picture is just too poor a quality to tell!


May 11, 2010
Response to anonymous
by: Nathan

Mr. Anonymous,

It's not the fact of seeing a ghost. It came up in the picture on our digital camera. I don't know who you are, but good on you for not believing.

May 10, 2010
by: Anonymous

That picture is so hard too see that at first I thought the tatoo was the face. That is really fake cause I have been on that ship four times and never saw a ghost there, so I think it is a bunch of BS

Sep 24, 2009
by: michelle

What a jerk! Good for you Brenda.

Aug 01, 2009
Okay Mac Thank You
by: Brenda - Webmaster

And you're on this site . . . because . . . ?

You think you're destroying the reputation of a ghost hunting group?

I'm not a ghost hunter and never claimed to be. This site is not making paranormal claims of any kind and you're just running around looking silly, because it's obvious you haven't read the site and have no idea what it's about.

Because of that, it's obvious you're here to cause trouble and I am now asking you to leave.

Thank you for visiting.


Jul 21, 2009
by: Mac

And it almost looks like there is a strange face on his pocket, the gage in the upper left is twisting into an oblong shape and the thing above that is telling us there is a three quarter moon tonight..... Hey, even his face in distorted in this shot! Can anyone tell me what his tatoo, which is close to the camera says? Oh no you cant! Then how can you say that this thing that only when blown up looks something like a human face, is a human face?

Draw an "h" on a chalk board and most people will say it is a chair, not the letter "h". Why, because we are pre-wired to look for patterns in order to survive. To refind that water hole, that deer trail, our way home from school. If you have pre-set your mind to look for human faces in pictures of dust from grave yards and pipe reflections and clouds over disasters, you will see faces. Me I see dust and smoke, because I know it is dust and smoke. If I want to I can find faces, or cows or flowers or what ever I set my mind to. But I know they aren't there.

James Randi will give you one million dollors if you can prove to him they are. If you can prove any paranormal claim he will give you one million dollars. He even has the money on hand. Take his challange.

Jul 13, 2009
by: Anonymous

It looks like a... cat! xD
Sorry, but it really does remind me of a cat!
Maybe this guy's cat died recently!
And now his kitty is following and protecting him!
Aww.. that would be really sweet :3

Apr 20, 2009
by: Anonymous

That is a freaky picture.

Apr 20, 2009
by: Anonymous

That's very weird.

Apr 16, 2009
I have a picture of the ghost
by: Kaitlyn

I recallenty was on the ship and was taking random pictures around the ship. And i got a picture in the kitchen and their was a ghost standing about a foot or two off the ground. He is holding a pot or some trays. This picture interested me and my family because you can see the cooking racts through him. It really scared me because I was standing in that exact spot. Also when you zoom in the picture you can see all of the facial fectures like his eyes, nose and his mouth. Also you can see his sailor hat on top of his head. What really freaked me and my family out was that when we were entering the gift shop someone told us that ten people died on the ship so were shure that we had something in the picture. None of my family members could come up with a resonible explonation for what was in the picture. If you would like to respond you can contact me at **EMAIL REMOVED** and just so you know the picture is perfict. Its not blurry or anthing.

[Email addresses not allowed.]

Mar 14, 2009
Thanks Nathan
by: Brenda - Webmaster

Thanks for the pic. Please read my notes that I placed in your submission. If you'd like to send another, larger pic, just submit again.


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