| Ghost in the window?
by Rebecca R.
(St. Charles, MO)
My 14 year old son took this picture a few days after we moved into our home. That was approximately six months ago.
A simple story really, he was just taking pictures of the new surroundings with my camera. This picture in particular was taken through the living room window, the window was open and the screen was closed and it was taken close to the screen.
If you look closely you can see the box weave pattern of the screen.
The problem I have with the picture is that first of all, it looks like some kind of old woman in a way and my son is a 14 year old with dark brown hair. I would like to believe it's a reflection somehow, but of what?
There were no pictures on the walls if it could have some been a reflection of something behind him. There wasn't even any furniture set in that room yet except for a computer desk, a couple of boxes on the floor and that's pretty much it.
Nobody in the family is elderly or has white hair ... so what is this? I would NOT like to think it's a ghost, I have to live here. I have always been a skeptic of such things and I'm a skeptic of this as well, but there have been things happen here I haven't figured out an answer for yet.
My 8 year old daughter was in the basement sitting on a skateboard getting ready to tie one end of a jump rope to a support pole and pull herself back and forth. This was just the other day and she came running upstairs very upset because she said she felt a hand on her back push her forward. Her brother was also downstairs but he was in another room playing a video game so understandably she was upset. So I don't know how that happened...
There was one time my bedroom door slammed shut and I mean hard, violently for no reason and that happened about around 3am when the only ones up were my fiancee and I.
The other notable occurence was three nights ago. It was around midnight and I went to take a bath and relax, kids were asleep... and as I was sitting there I thought I heard a young girl's voice. Couldn't make out the words... but I thought maybe it was wind or something.
It was weird so I got out of the tub, went into the kitchen and my son was at the table. He told me he heard a girl's voice downstairs and he was scared. I asked him if he could hear what the voice said and he told me it sounded like she said, "Why did I do this?"... so I don't know.
I still want to believe there's a logical explanation for these things and maybe there is, but as for the picture... if anyone has some photo software they can run this through and maybe figure out what caused the weird image I would be very appreciative.
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Recommended Reading: Strange Happenings and Supernatural Sightings