Ghost Faces in a Cemetery

by Melissa Potter
(Nich, KY, USA)

Brad's Face

Brad's Face

This isn't really a story. I just had my 22-year old brother Bradley pass away on Christmas night. I was visiting his grave at 11:45 pm at night and I couldn't find it, so I just started taking pics hoping I could see it. Then I said, "Bradley baby, where are you? I can't find you."

After saying that, I took a photo and two faces appeared in it. One is an old man on top (it's sideways with an open mouth) and the bottom is my brother's face (the crown of his forehead his nose in the middle and two eyes). Everyone sees it. Also there is a large orb in the middle.

Upon taking the pic I stepped on my brother's grave and found it!

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Ghost Faces in a Cemetery

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Aug 08, 2011
The "orb"
by: Anonymous

Sorry if I sound like a jerk but the orb that you speak of is the moon

Jul 10, 2011
Very Sorry
by: Anonymous

I'm very sorry about your brother.

Jul 05, 2011
by: harmony

I can't see the face. Where is it??

And sorry about your bro. ):

Jun 13, 2011
I beleive you
by: ladylaura

I can see it and yes i do think you have a real ghost caught on camera.

Apr 17, 2011
Brother's spirit
by: Anonymous

I'm so sorry about your brother's passing. I lost my sister on Mother's Day 3 years ago and know it's hard. But I wanted to know was it a bit unnerving for you when you saw the spirits in your photo

Dec 10, 2010
by: NaTaShA

So sorry about your bro!

But you just gotta be happy! At least his soul is with you! He hasn't left y'all completely; he left only his body! I wonder, my grandpa died too, but he did something and went: Me and my cousins= mischievous=broke baby's toy camera. We tried and tried to fix it. We at last fixed it but the 'Tick' sound which came when we pressed the button didn't come. We went near my grandpa's chair and tried again. It worked! I wonder if the same will happen to you.

Well, be happy 'cause you've probably been a good sis and probably he's been a good bro. Keep those memories in your heart and then he'll never leave you, ever. Not even when the string of life gets cut. Never. Then you'll be O.K.!

We wish you a good future!

P.S. He hasn't sinned much to die on Christmas night. Hey, since it's near Christmas now, go again to the cemetery and see if you can find more pics! If you do, please send them!

P.S.S. The story was more touching than scary!

P.S.S.S. Wonder who the old man was?

Oct 25, 2010
I see
by: Anonymous

I believe the orb is your brother shining bright as he always did and to the bottom right it looks like a girl with her hair sweeping to one side. I believe she was just curious

Jul 25, 2010
I See
by: lucy

I also see the faces in your picture!, I hope it brings you comfort knowing that he watches over you!

Jul 20, 2010
by: Kym


Thanks for sharing your story and your photo! I truly believe we all NEVER die; just our physical bodies. Bradley's spirit will live on forever, one day you'll see him again.


Jul 09, 2010
Thank You
by: Brenda - Webmaster

Dear Melissa

I am very sorry for your loss. Whatever that pic turns out to be, I hope your brother is at peace and your family, well.

Warm regards,


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