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Ghost at Wild Boar at Crook

by Paula Ash
(Bolton Lancs, England)

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What is this?

My son and his family stayed at this hotel in the English Lake district. It is an ancient hotel. They had difficult times in their room - taps turning on, noises, a very unhappy dog who cried and tried to hide at all times in the room. When they complained, the receptionist said, "Not again!" and then moved them - in the process of this a light switched off on its own and needless to say my family were traumatized.

My young grandson who is in the picture almost fell down a fire escape when the lights went out. I think the image shows a strange force within the room. What does anyone else think? It was dark, so no light from outside?

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Ghost at Wild Boar at Crook

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Jun 13, 2011
Room No?
by: Anonymous

What room number was this? Hope we don't get that room when we go!

Aug 05, 2010
by: Anonymous

I think this is pretty impressive...Old hotels are the best to find spirits! I don't see how to explain it away....

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