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Ghost Apparitions

by Shanta Darice

picture of the woods

picture of the woods

I had a fire and was looking for a new place to move. Got a call almost the first day. I looked and was told a new home, not even finished yet, was available. The offer seemed too perfect.

Well when I took a picture of the back of the home and woods I saw plenty reason why it was too good. See if you can. It's people's faces and a girl on a swing, a house in the background and the craziest is the almost Jesus-looking face in the middle. My girlfriend who passed away is in the bottom corner near what looks like a bunny!


Dear Shanta -

Below is what I was able to see from your pic.

Brenda, Webmaster

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Ghost Apparitions

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May 18, 2011
by: Anonymous

I cannot really make out what you are seeing. People can usually make out some kind of faces in any picture. I'm just not sold on this photo. Sorry.

Apr 02, 2011
by: Janine

I have to say this one is faked. It looks like a couple of trash.. But the one on the very top i have not yet figured. It might possibly be a ghost!! Ha ha nice job.

Jan 14, 2011
I just don't see it
by: Anonymous

I am a believer of the afterlife. But I have to say, you really saw a lot of things going on in that very grainy photo. I think it's more imaginative on your part.

Oct 08, 2010
Not seein it
by: Anonymous

To be honest it doesnt look like much to me at all...i've seen better...sorry guys...

Aug 07, 2010
by: NotGoodForYou

OK the orange thing yeah, I see a shadow heart there not a so called "Jesus face" the white thing looks like a sock. The other stuff looks like the usual phone photo light glares sorry I'm not impressed *shrugs*.

Aug 02, 2010
Nothing Paranormal
by: Kate

Sorry, all I see is one person (very grainy at that) in the center of the pic. If this is a cell phone photo, that would explain the poor quality.

Aug 02, 2010
by: Anonymous

Looks like the dog dragged another white Hefty bag into the woods...*sighs*

Jul 21, 2010
This is what I see
by: angela


Jun 17, 2010
Very scary indeed..Read this

Wow this is a very good example of ghosts. It almost looks like they are on there way somewhere. And yes an earlier comment was right there is more faces including 2 more in the upper right corner..And more if you just look. Really great pic I have seen many full body apparitions and paranormal activity including Ouija board possession..Scariest thing I have ever had to go thru..Never use one they are real...Great pic

May 07, 2010
by: Anonymous

Yeah. This was a cell phone camera, and they do look to be enjoying where they are!

Feb 11, 2010
Ghosts in the woods
by: GrayReb

Gave your pic another closer look and found more images than originally indicated. Reminds me of my own woods where I frequently get similar captures by a motion-activated camera. However, as long as they stay outside, I don't have a problem with them. I think the same would apply if you had purchased the house. It seems to indicate the spirits are enjoying the property and wouldn't cause any harm.

Nov 23, 2009
To be honest
by: Anonymous

Well to be honest I didn't go into the woods and stare and see , I took a picture and there are things visibly there. I thought it was interesting enough to share and the visibility to all is different....thanks for viewing though!

Nov 21, 2009
An everyday wooded area
by: Ashley Joyner

All I can see are trees and bushes. To be honest if you were to go to any woodlands and stare at a certain area long enough, your mind will start to see faces and figures.

Oct 03, 2009
by: GrayReb

Checked the photo out. Very spooky. I don't think I would want to live anywhere near this place. The spirits here are alive and well, I think!

Oct 01, 2009
Ghost Pic
by: shanta

Hi this is Shanta. I was the only person there. This was taken at the back of the house and it is totally a wooded area. It has loads of faces and if you look carefully a few animals, a bear-like face and a bunny rabbit are near the tree. It actually looks like the rabbit's legs are wrapped around the tree. I took this with a cell phone and the face looked so mournful.

Sep 30, 2009
Bottom Picture
by: garylee

If I see what I am seeing,...you missed the picture of a face far upper right corner also...

Now I know, the human mind is trained to focus in on faces, but . . .

We'll let others comment.

Sep 30, 2009
Thank you
by: Brenda - Webmaster

Thanks Shanta, for the pic.

I framed what I could see in it. I did not see a house or your girlfriend. I do see a Jesus-like face, but that is certainly just sunlight hitting the forest floor, and is matrixing.

As for what I do see, it appears those could be people as this pic looks like it was taken with a cell phone. The resolution is quite low.

If those people weren't there when you shot the pic, well, that's pretty weird. Good thing you didn't take the house, huh?

Thanks again,


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