Freaky Ghost Face

by Elsa
(Cokato, MN, USA)

Ghost is Just Above Right Shoulder

Ghost is Just Above Right Shoulder

Very simple...

My sister took this pic of my niece on her cell phone and when she looked at it she clearly saw a face of what looks like a baby or small child.

You can find the face just over her right me it looks very clear...please share ur comments. I would love for someone to tell me this is just lighting or the lens for my own peace of mind...thank u!!......

Brenda I had to zoom in the pic on my comp to see it how I see it on the phone...I'm not comp saavy so I dont know how to zoom it in then send it...if possible u could zoom in and post both pics...thank u for ur time...

Elsa, here is the enlarged view - Brenda:

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Freaky Ghost Face

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Sep 01, 2011
by: Anonymous

Brenda Edited a face over her right shoulder saying left was wrong, but there IS a face over her LEFT shoulder as well!! And it DOES look like a baby. People are fixating on the right shoulder now because it's more clear. Funny.

Aug 04, 2011
by: C.M.

Um, that's her LEFT shoulder. And this is simply a digital artifact from a cheap CCD or CMOS chip.

Jun 26, 2011
by: Karlaa

This picture is freaky!

At first I couldnt see it but now I can.

Not too sure what it is tho. :/

Jun 24, 2011
by: abby

I think that ghosts are real or might be someone trying to communicate with you. If you look closer it is not a child, it must be someone from the past. Someone who died or not. You have to check every picture and it is there. Then you are truly haunted !!!!!!

May 19, 2011
by: Anonymous

There is somethink there. Who knows.

Apr 12, 2011
Cell Phone
by: Grand_Adi

I'm not saying that ghosts are fake but almost all the pictures taken were by cell phone. It could be a glitch in the phone. E. G. Flash stained lens.
I subscribe to muse and it showed a picture of a woman's shadow made out of magnetic numbers. Artists can't do such things but there is no reason not to believe in ghosts.

Apr 01, 2011
Closer inspection.
by: sdg222

After looking at this picture again I would definitely think there is some reasonable explanation for it. By the way the face is situated behind the little girl's shoulder YET also in front of her hair would make me think there is possibly a pane of glass in between the subject and the photographer which is reflecting the latter image back to the camera. I've had a couple of similar shots myself in the past but recognised what had happened therefore thought nothing of them.

@Mark Cross. There really is no need to be so aggressive! Different people have different opinions, it is just the way of the world. If you thus agree, make your point in a civilised manner as opposed to getting angry.

Mar 31, 2011
Fake Or Real
by: brandon west

It's nice. I am not sure if it is real people saying it's the bad camera but still it is very unusual to see some thing like this

Jan 17, 2011
Same problem
by: me

Me and my mom had the same problem a males face appered by me in numerous pictures and a little boy next to her. She blessed the house with holy water and hopefully I won't get visited

Jan 11, 2011
by: naomi

It is plainly obvious that this picture is the real thing,as much as I would like to say that it is the camera or whatever. Though I have to say it doesn't look like the face of a child to me, but more of a man.

Dec 29, 2010
by: elsa

I assure everyone that this pic is has not been doctored in any way shape or form...i am not computer savy. It was taken with a cell phone camera and is posted here as is...wether it is the resolutin pixels or lighting is what is in question.

Dec 28, 2010
I can't see anything
by: Anonymous

I am really sorry, I'm fasenated withghosts but I can't see anything. Love the idea tho.

Dec 04, 2010
I Like It!
by: Anonymous

This looks very much like some of the photos that I have caught. I don't think it's a baby though. Looks more like a young man.

Oct 26, 2010
Not baby!
by: diana lynn

This is NOT a baby!!!

If this is real photo and not prank this is serious stuff! Not baby!

Oct 17, 2010
OMG Thats Freaky!!!
by: Jenny luv Bieber x

It looks pretty real... it's hard to know if it's genuine though.

Oct 11, 2010
by: Saron R

Oh, I see it. People were saying that it was just due to poor camera quality, but if it was, then why wouldn't the ghost's face be blurry like the girl's?

Btw, I say it looks more like a preteen to teenage boy

Sep 20, 2010
Good pic!
by: sdg222

This is a really intriguing picture, and one of the best I have seen so far. I do think, though, that it is down to a combination of bad lighting and poor resolution.

Aug 10, 2010
Not A Baby
by: Anonymous

That is not a baby looks more like a man.And it is over the left shoulder not the right shoulder but right side of the picture.

Jul 19, 2010
Motion Blur
by: Anonymous

This is matrixing caused by a poor quality image, you can see from the blurriness of the girls face that this is nothing but motion blur.

Jul 18, 2010
by: ellis meehan

It looks like a baby that died in your house.What ever you do don't show Elsa. This looks like a little baby boy. Try to take another picture of Elsa then someone else or take a pic of your house and see what it is. For 1 or 2 nights stay and see if you can hear anything.

P.S. Elsa is really cute.

Jul 16, 2010
by: Ryan Wenger

I am NOT saying that the picture is fake, but I will say that some things look real and fake all in the same. Look closely (very easy if you have a MacBook Pro) part of the face and neck of the ghost is super imposed on the girl herself rather then behind.. It is just a small blur but yet still a big factor when it comes to paranormal proof. The resolution on a camera is not high enough to capture a ghost this clearly. The girl was moving and she is very blurry yet the ghost is clear as day, this makes me scratch my head. I have some pictures and usually the object in question is slightly blurry and the main focus is pretty clear and if the main focus is blurry, so is the object in question.

I am very sure that it is possible and I won't rule it out, It could very well be real and I hope it is because this would be great proof to show off, but I have taken pictures with my cell and there has been ghost like pictures in multiple shots... then I cleaned my lens. This could be the situation as well..

I read something on how someone thought this was a demon. Welp,, When I went to seminary school, I had to learn Demonology and I was taught that I would get an EVP easier then a picture.. let alone on a camera phone.

I hope this is real because it is so darned cool, but I wouldn't feel right betting on it

Jun 21, 2010
by: Emily

Okay. Well I don't know. But if you look up in the top left. It looks like a demon.

Jun 09, 2010
by: ditzytrace

It took me awhile to see the face (looks like a small boy with full cheeks) I kept focusing on the right shoulder with what seemed to be a siamese or similar cat, Im interested to know if there was a cat in the house.....

anyway looks like the little girl has made some interesting friends =)

Mar 05, 2010
Heck Yes
by: TruBeliever

I have been on this site for the last three hours looking at photos and out of all the photos I have seen, MAYBE 3 i felt were authentic and this is one of them. I wish you would have posted the original though, it would have been alot better. This is hard to fake or even photoshop, I like when I dont have to search for the so called face and it just pops out at me like this one did.

Kudos to you on the pic and please post more if you find any or take any more. I would go through all the other pics preferably of your niece to see if you happened to have captured any more.

Good Job again!

Jan 05, 2010
Nice proof.
by: Cathleen

Saw it right away. Eyes, nose, mouth and ears and the outline of a head. This is very good. Its better proof then some lights shining through some trees and see shadows of leaves making it look like a person (or michael jackson) that are floating out there. people want proof and not light shows and camera malfunctins. Yours can be added to the proof pile. Good job.

Dec 28, 2009
a goblin..?
by: kayla

The strange "face" looks like a goblin to me... Look just under the two holes for "eyes" and it looks like a looong nose going off the little girl's shoulder. Then just past that line that might be the room's corner, looks to be a pointy ear! The "ear" and "long nose" are the same color mist and the face! Weird

Nov 05, 2009
Two faces
by: interested

Brenda, you circled the face over her Left shoulder. The face I first saw is the one over her Right shoulder. Very spooky. Good picture.

Sep 25, 2009
by: GhostCoach

I agree with Brenda.
Looks like matrixing to me/

Sep 25, 2009
by: Lisa

I didn't have to look hard to find it, even in the original, I am not so sure that is matrixing, because of all of the detail. You can see the strands of hair, so it is indeed freaky to me too.

Sep 25, 2009
Freaky is Right!
by: Brenda - Webmaster

I couldn't see the face at first, Elsa. I zoomed in and there it was - plain as day.

I really want to say this is matrixing, probably because the resolution of the pic is what it is.

However, it is amazingly suggestive that someone is there. And it doesn't look to me like a baby.

Please guys, what do you think this is?


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