First Haunted Stream Anomaly

by GrayReb
(Wilmington, DE)

Haunted Stream 1st Photo

Haunted Stream 1st Photo

My previous photo "Haunted Stream Anomaly" received comments regarding shutter speed and background lights causing the streaks of light, which I disagree with.
The area was completely dark. This is the first photo I took where the colored lights begin, followed by the 2nd which shows the streaks of light. I only took two consecutive shots.

If you look closely you can also see an "orb" in the photo as well.

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First Haunted Stream Anomaly

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Jun 10, 2011
by: Anonymous

When I first seen this I almost pooped! It's real! Yours is like a few real ones! I like this...I would like to see more.

Dec 04, 2010
by: Anonymous

I believe in ghosts, but that does not look like any ghost I have ever seen on tv or anything. I'm just saying that could be a reflection of anything.

Nov 09, 2010
First Haunted Stream Anomaly
by: Anonymous

These are real spirits, I have pictures like these.

Jan 14, 2010
Nothing To See Here
by: Anonymous

Okay, let's just say, for the sake of argument, that the streaks of light are supernatural. What are the odds that each entity would be moving in exactly the same direction at exactly the same speed? Are these the ghosts of a synchronized swim team?

Jul 23, 2009
by: Anonymous

The lights in this photo match up with the "streaks" in the other photo. They are obviously street lights, or possibly house lights in the distance. Just because the area is dark does not mean the camera won't pick up other light that you might not be aware of, especially with a longer shutter speed of a night photo.

A point source of light, while it may be distant and too faint to illuminate, still is very bright at the point, easily causing the light to show up brightly when it is barely visible to the naked eye, and the motion trail brings it to your attention.

The shutter for an automatic camera is not always exactly synchronized with the flash such that the shutter is ONLY open when the flash is triggered. Generally, the shutter is open longer, and only closed when the light sensor reports that enough light has been collected. This means that if your flash lasts for 1/125 sec then the shutter can easily still be open for up to 1/30 sec if you have a weak flash. That can account for the "movement" of the lights in the background, yet the sharp focus of the concrete bridge in the foreground, because the flash "froze" the foreground due to the greater but shorter light intensity. This is exactly why strobe lights seem to make motion stop.

Jun 27, 2008
lights explained
by: Anonymous

I have a BFA in photography and have been taking pictures since I was around 8 years old. I therefore have taken literally thousand and thousands of pictures in my life. and continue to do so for customers and the company i work for. I have to say the lights in this picture can be nothing but street lights with a slow shutter speed and a little camera movement. See how the lights all move in the same direction? That's because the camera is moving and not the lights. The orbs more times than not are dust. The few real orbs I have seen and taken pictures of myself are self illuminated, no matter if it is daytime, nighttime, or any other time. And as for a face there is none.

Jun 23, 2008
Ghost Image in Haunted Stream?
by: GrayReb

Hey, Anomymous...could you point it out for me? I'm assuming you mean my two photos of the Haunted Stream. Do you really see something there?

Jun 23, 2008
by: Anonymous

I zoomed in on your picture. There is actually a ghostly face in there too. In the upper left hand corner of a young boy.

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