Doublewide Scare

by Elaine
(Manning, SC, USA)

May 2001

May 2001

This pic was taken in a doublewide I lived in a few years ago. I am now across the street and I have seen a man-ghost walk in front of the house, turn to go back half way and then vanish.

In the house I was taking pics and this pic is the only one that has the foggy mist in it.
When I lived there, the radio and TV would come on and off by themselves.

One night I was going to sleep and the covers were being pulled off me slowly. I said, "Can I help you, who are you?" At that time the covers were snatched off me. The next day I took the pic.

The story behind this land is that the master of the plantation killed the servants
and then killed himself. The blood would never clean up so they tore the house down and the spirits stayed. I also once saw someone standing and watching me take a shower. All of a sudden it was gone as quick as it came.

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Doublewide Scare

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Jun 14, 2011
Ahhh . . .?
by: Anonymous

What kind of a camera were you using? . Also, were there any windows behind you? If so, there could have been objects behind you that would have reflected the ligh , also there could be a reflection or a smudge on the camera lens. This would be my third photo comment. I am not a skeptic, but I do love to debunk stuff .

Jan 11, 2011
by: Cassidy

This is creepy! I recently just moved into a double-wide and I've been experiencing some crazy stuff too.

Oct 26, 2010
by: Marlana Knapp

I look at this and think to myself that it is smoke. I have a huge fascination with taking pictures that involve smoke. Some of which are on my facebook profile. By all means check them out. I tried taking a specific picture for about 2 hours using different forms of smoke until I finally got the picture that I wanted.

I believe with this picture it could be as simple as dusting the house with curtains open and the dust catching the obvious sunlight that is surrounding the home. Do the people that live here smoke? It could be that simple too. I have seen my own smoke as the sunlight catches it.

If someone could maybe circle the points to which they said they can see details of the cloths the "child" is wearing, I might be able to change my opinion.

Oct 20, 2010
Movie Star?
by: Anonymous

Is that the house they filmed Sweet Home Alabama in??

Jul 12, 2010
Three Ghosts
by: Anonymous

Hi, actually I'm very interested in ghosts and I can see three ghosts in the picture. A woman in the left, a child in the middle and a man in the right. It looks like a poor dead family.

Jul 23, 2009
Lens issues
by: Anonymous

It's just oblique light being reflected/refracted off dirt on the lens.

Apr 23, 2009
by: *UFORiA*

Whoa! i don't see the guy with the gun but i totally see the lil girl! striped sweater n all! looks like she's sitting on something staring straight at the camara!

Mar 19, 2009
The Window
by: Aliki


I see a man by the window... holding a gun. Scary... Be careful!!

Jan 11, 2009
by: Kailey

Thats creepy. What did the man look like? Because in the left side of the pic theres a man there it's scary looking.

Oct 29, 2008
Be careful!
by: Anonymous

Remember during Noah's time, some spirits left their position to come from Heaven to Earth. They materialized from spirits to human-like whatevers to have sex with the women. During the Great Flood, all Nephilem (their kids) and others were drown.

Those disobedient angels were forced to come out of those bodies to avoid drowning too. Be careful. Most of the time these fallen angels molest humans. No real ghost has to watch you take a shower. That's alarming. Pull covers off of you. Be careful not to let them take your body by possessing you. It does happen and has happened.

Since the Flood, the privilege of materialization has been stripped from these fallen angels which is why they appear as ghosts. Not quite there. Because they are spirits. And bad spirits at that. Please be careful. Please! They are not safe to dabble with.

Sep 08, 2008
Little Girl
by: hb

There is a little girl standing in the bottom left orb striped sweater blue pants brown hair do you see her?

Nov 29, 2007
by: ChickenWiener

This is a pretty interesting picture. Especially if it was the only one that the mist appeared in.

Nov 05, 2007
by: Anonymous


Nov 04, 2007
by: Tim

That's a good one. I'm glad you tried to communicate with the spirit and took the picture.

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