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Campfire Ghost Stories - The Woods

by Holly
(Glasgow, Scotland)

A friend and I went camping in the woods near our home. It was the middle of summer but the nights were still cold and very dark. My companion, Melissa, had brought her portable DVD player and we thought it was a good idea to watch The Blair Witch Project to spook ourselves out.

We both fell asleep somewhere near the middle of the movie, and I woke up to the scary music blaring at the end of the movie. I turned off the DVD player and lay back down in my sleeping bag and tried to fall back to sleep. I lay with my eyes closed when suddenly, I heard a girl screaming, extremely loud and plain as day.

My eyes opened. I turned on the torch and pointed it at Melissa who I assumed would be awake from the noise. But she wasn't, she was sound asleep. I shook her but she wouldn't wake up.

I unzipped the tent entrance and pointed the torch out and looked around. Just then, I heard a branch snap and I turned the torch in that direction. The light from the torch fell upon a face. A pale white girl's face frowning at me. I screamed, dropped the torch and zipped the door back up. I threw myself onto my sleeping bag and grabbed Melissa's hand.

She woke up. "Why are you screaming, you bloody idiot-?" I put my hand over her mouth. She fell silent.

We both heard loud footsteps running toward the tent and then--silence. I told her what happened and we phoned her Dad on her mobile and he came and took us home.

We'll never forget that night and we promised each other that none of us will ever set foot in that forest again...

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