Bullock Hotel Ghost in Mirror

by Carl Virden
(Lake Elsinore, California, USA)

Taken Sept. 5, 2007 Deadwood, S.D.

Taken Sept. 5, 2007 Deadwood, S.D.

My wife took me to Deadwood, S.D. for a week-long stay in the Bullock Hotel for my 60th birthday. When I heard that the Bullock Hotel was haunted, I went outside our room (204) to quickly snap some digital photos. This one shows a mirror in which there is the figure of a bearded man wearing old style western clothing. He appears to be leaning or floating. There was no one with me or even in the area when I took this picture. The original image is 2.25 mb. I wish I could let you see that one. When I open it with Windows Picture and FAX viewer, I see another strange thing. It looks like a "red eyed demon" face to the left of the ghost figures face. The image as posted, is not large enough for you to see this.

Folks: In order to assist Carl, I have enlarged Carl's pic and adjusted the contrast in the area he is seeing. Please show Carl your support and let him know whether you feel this image could be paranormal. Thanks! -Brenda

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Bullock Hotel Ghost in Mirror

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Aug 07, 2011
Thank You Carl
by: Brenda - Webmaster

I'm trying to see if I can improve this even more. Please bear with me.

Google recently imposed some changes that really makes things tough. I have to be soooo careful now!

I have some ideas, but don't know if they're possible. If they are, I will implement what I can to make this as pleasant as possible for you guys, without putting my site in jeopardy.

Thanks for being here, Carl. :)


Aug 07, 2011
Site Problems
by: Carl

Hi, Brenda. Sorry for all the issues you are having with your website. I have never had a website, so I did not know what a pain in the rear they can be. Good luck in the future. And, I still appreciate you.


Aug 07, 2011
Don't Know What to Say
by: Brenda - Webmaster

The comments feature was bugged. It has been fixed.

Sorry for the delay in posting.

However, when perverts stop roaming the web and leaving vulgar comments on my site. And when people are more conscientious about their spelling, grammar and punctuation and when Google stops slamming good sites for a myriad of quality issues, I can let the comments go live without having to check every single one.

Until then, you have to wait for me to check everything.

Thank you to those who reported the bugs with the comments and helping me get the programmers to fix it and speed up the process.



Aug 07, 2011
by: Anonymous

I would love to see your pictures, Deseree and Diane. Please post them here or friend me on Facebook so I can see them

Carl Virden

Aug 07, 2011
by: Carl

Wow, thanks for the comments. It is August 2011 and several comments just showed up, some from six months ago. Guess this site is not maintained like it used to be. Sad.

Aug 07, 2011
My Hauntings in Room 302
by: Diane M

The Historical Bullock Hotel has a Facebook page where you can view two of the photos we took with our digital. One was taken in our room which shows the full image of Seth (white against the red walls) and another of a large orb outside in the hallway. This was not a dust ball or dirty camera lens - this explained the screaming man noise I heard the night before the photo was taken.

We arrived during the first week of May of this year (2011) and checked into room 302 which I read was a very active room. Wanting desperately to experience something, I began getting a bit frightened at the thought, alone. I had been given a tour of the hotel in 1996 and experienced a door slamming from behind me. We were not guests of the Bullock during that time but it was what intrigued me to make reservations during this year's first vacation at a haunted hotel.

My husband and I spent our first night walking around Deadwood and enjoying the sights and sounds. We also enjoyed talking to the staff at the Bullock. Since we were off-season and employee, Jim, gave us a tour of the cellar, etc. I shared with him how I was somewhat excited/scared to experience the ghost of Seth Bullock. Unfortunately, nothing happened during the first night.

Our second night's stay was a completely different story! After watching television, I became tired and turned to close my eyes. My husband and I heard a loud dog bark outside of our window - we were on the 3rd floor and there is absolutely no way a dog, that loud, could be up near our window to cause such a noise. Then, I heard a man screaming outside of our room door. Shaking, I ran and opened the door to find nothing! Still shaken but very tired, I finally turned off the television and tried settling down. I am not sure what time it was, but the television turned on by itself and woke me up. I turned off the remote and a few minutes later, the television turned itself back on once more!

The following morning, we went downstairs to eat in Bully's and snapped photo's outside of our room and in the hallway. Later that afternoon, I took pictures of our room. Nothing appeared on our digital but after getting home a week later in Illinois, we had the photos developed and were literally shaken upon seeing the full ghost figure of Seth in our room and the orb in the hallway. You can see these photo's on their Facebook page.

We will be spending our next vacation one week from today in Deadwood, and will be checking into Room 302 a week from tomorrow. I plan on taking dozens of pictures and enjoying the presence of Old Seth as he makes his rounds in the Bullock. I highly recommend this hotel for its history, charm and friendly staff! It is a 5-star experience!

Jul 16, 2011
The Haunting in the Bullock Hotel
by: Trina H.

I have even witnessed a actual ghost there when I was a teenager and my hairstylist had her salon there in the hotel I lost my money in the coke machine and a man materialize out of no where and assisted me to get my drink.

When I turned to thank him he was gone no where to be found and at that time there were no employees around to be found either and he was in old western clothing. It so freaked me out and that happened in 1989 when I was getting ready to go to my senior prom.

Apr 10, 2011
I too have a picture from the mirror
by: Desiree

My husband took me to Deadwood for my birthday in July 2010. We took the ghost tour, I have several pictures that even the gentleman hosting the tour was amazed at. One is of 2 men in the mirror of the dresser on the second floor. The guide recognized them as Teddy Roosevelt and Seth Bullock. The other pictures I have are of the large photo of the rough riders in the casino. I took 4 pictures one after another. No one was near me.

They were all across from me. The first picture normal, 2 and 3 has a golden color throughout and the heads are turned as if talking to each other. The 3 is like they are being told they are ready to take the picture and the 4 is back to normal.

I didn't change my position, didn't change settings, nothing. I also have pictures that have what is like a mist, orbs etc in them. I'm trying to find out how to email the hotel, or I have to print and send them that way.

But I do believe, because this is not the first time I have seen spirits, ghosts, and heard voices.

Feb 28, 2011
I see
by: Anonymous

I can see the guy you are talking about you can really see his clothes I just don't see the red eyed demon figure you had mention

Feb 28, 2011
I see
by: Anonymous

I can see the guy you are talking about you can really see his clothes I just don't see the red eyed demon figure you had mention

Jan 22, 2011
by: gambler

If you look real deep there are many faces in that photo. I had weird encounters there! When you visit there, you're not alone.

Dec 29, 2010
by: Carl

Molly V., I sent it again just before Christmas. Thanks for your interest.

Dec 19, 2010
Pics were sent in 2006
by: Carl

Hi Molly. I sent the story and the hard copy pic back in 2006. I will do it again if it is not there.


Dec 17, 2010
Hard copy
by: Carl

Hi Molly. I did send a letter to the hotel along with a copy of the photo, shortly after I returned home. Are you sure it was not in the Album?


Nov 15, 2010
From the Historic Bullock Hotel Staff.
by: Molly V.

I have a request. I am one of the staff members here at the Bullock Hotel. I would like to request a hand written copy of Carl's story from him and an actual hard copy of the unmodified version of the photograph. It is a very good capture.

If You could Please have Carl mail us this information to

Historic Bullock Hotel
633 Main St.
Deadwood, SD 57732

You never know. It might end up in our Paranormal Book which consists of Letters and photos from Guests.

Thank you from the Historic Bullock Hotel.

Oct 29, 2010
Bullock ghost pic
by: Soulesista

I also have a picture of a mirror on the 3rd floor of the bullock. In the left hand side you can see a very clear face.

Oct 16, 2010
Seen something as well...
by: Gin

Hey Carl. I went to Deadwood a few months ago also and took a picture of my sisters' reflection in the dresser mirror (can't remember which floor) by the stairs. There appears to be an outline of a man on the top right side of the picture. I'm no expert or investigator so I don't claim to have a picture of a ghost, but it certainly is pretty interesting and makes you think.

Word is the show Ghost Lab will have a Deadwood show coming up soon. Should be really good!

Sep 07, 2010
by: Anonymous

I would also like to add. There were a few other people there as well that had odd pics. There is something there.

Sep 07, 2010
Bullock Ghosts
by: Anonymous

My family and I were just there 3 weeks. I have the same mirror in a few photos. 2 have an image in them the others do not. If the flash was on, it would look like a star burst (mine did anyway) There is an image that appears.

Aug 22, 2010
Thanks for your comment
by: Carl

Thanks, Mark. I really appreciate your input. When I noticed the image, I took many pics the next day. Of course the mirror could have been cleaned again by then, but I could not get any other images. Still, I think it is a very cool image and continue to be amazed by it, matrixing or not.

Aug 18, 2010
by: MarkR

I think I saw this photo in their album when I was there last night taking the tour with a fellow paranormal investigator visiting from TN. We both came to the conclusion it was matrixing from flash and residual glass cleaner. A good rule of thumb is to take a series of photos and compare them. If the image remains after 3-4 photos then it is matrixing or some other explainable reason.

Lead Investigator
Black Hills Paranormal Investigations
Rapid City, SD

Jul 11, 2010
What? Man In The Mirror?
by: Anonymous

I don't see the 'man' you out-lined...I see a man with a sword about to stab you! Stay out of there! Is it an old house???? This could help people decide!

Jun 29, 2010
Flash and Residue
by: Anonymous

I think the residue from some sort of cleaner was used to clean the mirror, and the flash just caught that residue, creating swirls to make it appear as a face. But you never know. :]

Apr 21, 2010
Response to: I live in SD
by: Carl

Hello. Although I tried many times to duplicate this photo, this is the only picture I have and I know the resolution is poor on this site. The original is pretty high res and more detail can be seen. If you are interested, contact me through Facebook.


Carl Virden

Apr 11, 2010
by: Anonymous

ibelieve in spirits+ghosts but if the flash was on then its just the flash reflecting because it happens all the time in my pics.

Mar 05, 2010
by: RapidCityResident

As I stated in the comment title I live in Rapid City South Dakota which is the next town over from Deadwood and deadwood is one of the most haunted cities in South Dakota, heck even in the US and yes you can look that up. I have been to deadwood quite a few time and my husband and I stayed in the Hickok (was an apartment building which burned down and 50 were killed before the hotel was built) and we actually caught an evp.. but we have been trying to get into the bullock but its always booked because of the haunting. It is said that Seth Bullock haunts the hotel and I wouldnt be surprised if you caught something there but I would need further evidence and more pics perhaps clearer. I am willing to give you my email if you think you could send all the pics you took..u would be surprised what we could find. We are actually paranormal investigators(amateur) and are friends and keep in daily contact with the professional team her in rapid, and they believe it or not are friends with jay and grant from TAPS, also known as the show "ghost hunters" but if you could please keep in contact with me taht would be great and i would love for you to hear the evp that we caught!

Feb 22, 2010
by: Jim

It looks like a English gentleman.

Feb 18, 2010
Probably nothing
by: JiaXin

I agree that this is probably just the mind trying to find patterns in something that really has no meaning. Definitely looks like streaks left on the mirror after bad cleaning.Even if the flash is not on, camera lenses can often emphasize any inconsistencies in the reflection of light, so even if you didn't see anything when you took the picture, they'd still show up.

The figure isn't distinct enough to be anything concrete, anyway.

Jan 21, 2010
3 faces
by: Anonymous

In the top right corner there is one vivid face and the eyes are very clear and seem to glow. On the immediate left of this is another, sort of in profile and directly under the 1st one, is a more misty image of a face. Weird indeed.

Jan 08, 2010
by: Anonymous

Maybe it is a ghost. I just don't have a vivid imagination.

Dec 26, 2009
That's funny!
by: Carl

I'm with you on that one. His face does look simian.

Dec 13, 2009
I see it!
by: Anonymous

I see a suited guy (or gorilla)

Oct 13, 2009
by: lisa darkhawk

I believe it is matrixing which is your mind's tendency to make patterns out of nonsensical sensory imput... it would still freak me out a bit :)

Sep 14, 2009
by: Anonymous

i would demand my money back. the hotel up keeper didn't even clean the mirror before you all checked in. that is nothing more than a hand print

Jul 28, 2009
Hi Joan
by: Carl

I don't know for sure what the lines in the mirrors are but I did get the "A" in the tall 2nd floor mirror at the top of the stairs and the "tic tac toe" lines in the mirror above the 2nd floor stairs.

Jul 28, 2009
by: Joan

I just returned from Deadwood (July 24, 2009), and I have a picture of the same mirror with something in the same corner of the mirror. However, I am not able to make out the image as in your photo. My question to you is that I took a picture of the dresser on the third floor a number of times. Two different pictures show like a long tic-tac-toe on the mirror. The other pictures I took of it do not show the figure. Any ideas what that might be. It's thin lines like the A on the second floor mirror. Mandan, ND

Jul 26, 2009
What the "Pros" say
by: Carl

I have sent it to investigators. All think it is just "matrixing" caused by the flash on smudges on the glass. It just kills me that I see an 1800's looking bearded dude in the mirror. To me it is obvious, but I'm just the smuck who took the pic. Thanks for your comment.

Jul 26, 2009
nice picture
by: Anonymous

To the person who took this picture u might have somthing. Have u ever thought of sending it in to get it investageted even more. This second part is fo Meh. When u take a picture of a mirror your reflection wont always been in the mirror depending on your angel. Me and girlfreind went to the bullock and took a pic of the same mirror and at the angel we were standing u coudnt see either one of us.

Mar 24, 2009
Had Weird Momemts At Bullock
by: gambler

This has nothing to do with the mirror but I have stayed at the bullock many times and one time, I believe it was room 204, the radio just came on weird. Another time I was there with a girl friend and we were woke up by the TV coming on and she said shut it off. I'm trying to sleep and I was freaked out because that room didn't even have a remote for the TV. It was around 8:00 in the morning. Let's just say we left and went to breakfast right away but I will still go back and stay there.

Feb 23, 2009
by: Carl

Thanks for the update, Randy. Well, I hope you enjoyed your stay in Deadwood as much as I did, anyway.

Feb 23, 2009
I just got back from the Bullock
by: Randy

To update, as mentioned above, I recently visited the Bullock. I took hundreds of photos, video, EMF and EVP--I got nothing. I took several pics of this same mirror and found no flaw in the glass. I thought maybe it was an old mirror, but its relatively new. Upon closer examination of your photo, it does appear to be smudged. The image is matrixing. I wish I had something more exciting to report, but thats it.

Jan 22, 2009
Thanks so much
by: Carl

I wish I could be there, too. The Bullock Hotel and Deadwood is such a great place to visit. I would love to send a higher resolution photo for you to study.

Jan 22, 2009
Hope this helps
by: Randy McDowell

I am a paranormal investigator and will be at the Bullock next month--I'll check out the mirror. Old mirrors do contain flaws that can show false images at certain angles. You can see a good example of this on my website www.prooph.org Your picture does not appear to be flawed. At first glance it appears to be paranormal. You can make out a cowboy-style hat and a face that could resemble Seth Bullock himself. I'll do my best to post a new reply after my trip to deadwood--hopefully I can shed some light on this. If it is flawed, I should be able to somewhat recreate your photo.

Jan 05, 2009
by: Carl

Thanks for your comment.

Jan 05, 2009
by: Anonymous

To me it looks like someone needs to clean the mirror. And you over think things and people might think they see it becaused you made some outline.

Dec 22, 2008
I Believe
by: Anonymous

Hi...great pic! It looks like the "ghost" is reaching out to you!! Creepy!

Nov 21, 2008
Comment Appreciated
by: Anonymous

Thanks, Teanna, for your comment but personally, I don't think this was Seth Bullock. Do you know my friends, Markus Volima & Rev. Kieo? Both re-enactors in Deadwood? Take Care.

Nov 21, 2008
Comment Appreciated
by: Anonymous

Thanks very much for your comment, Teanna. Personally, I don't think this was Seth Bullock. And, we really did enjoy our stay. PS. See my pic on the wall at the #10. Schitz & Giggles and in ZZ top pic, Deadwood HBO.

Nov 19, 2008
by: Teanna

OHMG!!! I live in Deadwood, SD and I work at the Bullock, so whenI saw this photo I had to comment. I've seen stuff, and heard stuff. I'm only 16 but I know whats going on. They say that its Seth Bullock , but no one knows. Deadwood, Lead, and Central City, South Dakota are haunted in general. There are haunted places all over the place around here, even my house. =P Hope you enjoyed your stay in the beautiful town!!!

Oct 27, 2008
Oh brother
by: Anonymous

It is amazing to me what people can make up out of a smudge on a mirror that has been highlighted by camera flash!

For the record, I am an investigator myself. But I am horrified by how many folks make up something 'paranormal' before really examining the photograph. It is important to rule out EVERYTHING else before even stepping into the territory of paranormal.

Again, it is a smudge on the mirror. Nothing more.

Oct 26, 2008
I see it
by: Danica

I cant see the ghostly figure with thebeard but I definately can see a figure which looks demonic. Excellent picture...Very eerie. What did it feel like in that room?

Jun 14, 2008
by: Anonymous

Sorry but it just looks like a highlighted smudge on the mirror to me. :(
Ever heard of matrixing?

Jun 06, 2008
Bullock Hotel Mirror
by: Carl

Thanks very much for your comment, Mike. It validates my photo in a major way! Do you also have a photo? Before I took the picture, I stepped aside so that I could no longer see my reflection and I never saw the image in the mirror until I saw the photo the next day. We are trying to plan another trip there later this year. Take Care!

Jun 06, 2008
That is an awsom picture
by: Mike McMains

that is an awsom picture i used to live in rapid city south dokata i visted the same place you did and i saw the same thing in that mirror i hope that this will help a lot i am gald that some one saw the same thing i saw in that mirror

Jun 06, 2008
That is an awsom picture
by: Mike McMains

that is an awsom picture i used to live in rapid city south dokata i visted the same place you did and i saw the same thing in that mirror i hope that this will help a lot i am gald that some one saw the same thing i saw in that mirror

Feb 07, 2008
Thanks for your response (Neat)
by: Carl

I will be going back as soon as I can. I love Deadwood and the surrounding area. I would be amazed if I ever got another picture as good as this one.

Feb 01, 2008
by: Anonymous

Looks like you should head back there and take a couple hundred high-quality photos!

Jan 24, 2008
Thanks, Mark
by: Carl

You may be the first to really appreciate what you are seeing. My photo is still amazing to me and I want to share it with more open minded people.

Jan 23, 2008
by: Mark

I like this photo - it's a different kind of ghost picture and quite creepy.

Jan 23, 2008
by: Mark

I like this photo - it's a different kind of ghost picture and quite creepy.

Nov 29, 2007
by: Anonymous

To "meh". Are you a child? Have you never looked at a mirror in which you were not reflected. I stepped to the right so I would not be in the reflection just before taking this photo. There is nothing fake about this photo. It is a digital pic.

Nov 29, 2007
Another Face?
by: ChickenWiener

When I look at this picture I didn't see the bearded figure at first but another one. It looks like there is a figure standing sideways and looking down.

Nov 28, 2007
by: Anonymous

This picture is an obvious fake. If you actually took the picture you would be reflected into the mirror which you are not.

Nov 07, 2007
Maybe matrixing?
by: Sarah

Hello Carl. I do see the image you are talking about but at the same time, it is possibly matrixing. Just a bunch of smudges & since you heard the place was haunted, you might have made yourself see something. But I do somewhat see what you were seeing. Whether it's just smudges or not.

Nov 05, 2007
Submit Another?
by: Brenda-Webmaster

Hiya Carl! Is there any way you can submit a picture that indicates what you're looking at? Perhaps draw an arrow or circle to what you're seeing? Maybe that will help us better see what you're seeing. I know what you mean about the resolution. And whenever the visitors try to take a pic and look at it from home by zooming in, the picture pixellate and that makes it worse. Anyway, if you want to make a new submission, I'll grab that pic and put it here so what you see will be clearer to us. :)

Nov 05, 2007
by: Carl

Maybe,as you suggest, it is a trick of my mind. But, the image is so clear to me. I took several additional photos from the same position and never got this result again. As for the poor cleaning job, I agree. But the image I see is behind the obvious smudges. I think the original high resolution picture I have is more convincing. Thanks for your comment.

Nov 02, 2007
No ghost
by: Debbie

Although it CAN be impressive, however I'm sorry, but what you are seeing is a reflection of some poor house cleaning. Who ever "cleaned" that mirror, left streak marks, which is being reflected from the flash of your camera. The mind has an uncanny way of matrixing mundane objects into what can be perceived as something paranormal.

No worries though, keep your eyes and ears open, you'll find something sooner or later. Stay Scared.

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