by Keith D
(Manchester U.K)



I was visiting the real Amityville house and was taking a load of pictures outside the house when this white mist flew past me. It was a very calm evening and I can't explain it. Sent shivers up my spine.

New theories about the Amityville horror exist.

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Sep 17, 2011
the real amyville house
by: Donnial Ford

One thing I've go to say about that picture is that that image in the corner of that picture looks like a man with all of his hair in his face. It also brings the hairs on my arm up you know, just gives you that cold feeling. :( That truly is S P O O K Y

Sep 12, 2011
Look closer
by: Anonymous

I'm not dismissing anything that happened, or may be happening in the house. I'm just referring to the image on the lower left. If you look without trying to see a ghost, it looks like a car tilted almost like it's parked on a slight hill. You can even see the tire and rim.

Aug 25, 2011
Not true
by: Cat

I do believe in ghosts, but the Amityville horror was a fake. The people who wrote the book even later admitted that they made it all up to get rich. Yes there was a brutal murder there, but there are tons of places that have had violence and death that have not ended up with evil in the house or area. Don't believe everything you read. Also this "mist" could be a smudge on the photo, but then that would make the account untrue. So who knows, maybe the house next door is haunted.

Aug 07, 2011
I lived right down the block from the house
by: Chris Schene

I lived right down the block from the home---those apartments on the corner of Ocean avenue and Merrick road: In the 1975-77 time frame that building was a three story apartment. I would go for walks in the AM and I noticed that there are cars slowing down near one of the homes, but had no idea why. I only later, after moving away, found out that was the "horror house."

I knew a number of the people portrayed in the movie and book personally and I knew of Ronnie DeFeo in junior high. I also had my confirmation in the church that the exorcising priest was from.

I don't believe the story! I do not believe the house was haunted.

Aug 05, 2011
by: Barrie

If you believe that you have a soul, or spirit, and that it leaves your body when you die, then you also believe in ghosts, which, as your soul or spirit is, an energy force of some kind. The souls of those people who were violently killed could have lingered in that house for a period of time, then left, to wherever souls go. To not believe in 'ghosts' is to not believe you have a soul, or spirit, and makes you a non-believer of life hereafter, or of any religion or God. It's as simple as that. We will all find out the truth when we die.

Jul 28, 2011
The Amityville House
by: Anonymous

Ok first of all as a ghost hunter's perspective, the mist in the one picture could very much be a ghost. Just because a exorcism was done on the house doesn't mean that the ghost won't come back. The exorcism is meant to drive away the demons not ghosts. That doesn't always work though, exorcisms are not 100%.

As for the house in the picture, that is the actual house. Just because the house was painted and the windows were change doesn,t mean that that is not the real house. The owners who moved in that home after the lutz's fled from the home had the address changed and the house painted and windows changed to disguise the house so it doesn't attrack the interested parties to it. After all wouldn't you want to live in your home peacefully?

Jul 27, 2011
by: Debbie K.

I'm not sure what to make of the picture. It could be cigarette smoke because I've had this happen to me already with pictures. I am certain that "something" lurks in that house. People try to think rationally & call me nuts, but when you think about it, the Lutz Family left EVERYTHING in that house! Never took their belongings, left a Freezer FULL of food. Now what couple with 3 growing children would leave all their food & belongings behind. They tried to break the Lutz Family by trying to have them agree the whole thing was a hoax, but those of us who believe, know better!

Jul 27, 2011
Clear the air
by: wolf

I can't comment on the pic or the haunting. But I can tell you what my father told me. He owned the shop next door to the one owned by Defeo. He knew them well. The son Ronnie was a barfly and a junkie and needed money. His father basically paid him to hang around the shop to try to keep him out of trouble.

One night he killed them all in a mess of him trying to get big money from his dad. The Defeos never said the house had ghosts, demons or what have you. The locals never heard of any either. Story has it the Lutzes had been trying to sell a book for a while unsuccessfully, until they moved into the Defeo house. They published their book. Noone has heard from the ghosts since.

Jul 14, 2011
Indian Grounds
by: KAL

The house was not built on burial grounds. For any that have read the book (not the movie) and done a bit of research on the matter it was built next to the Amityville river that was sholding grounds for the Shinnecock Indians' insane, criminals, and terminally ill. They died in the holding grounds and were taken to the burial grounds that are before mentioned.

The Shinnecock's believed these people were "posessed". Also an indian massacre occured in the early 1800's by the Indian Massapequans Chief Takapuasha and the Indian fighter John Underhill. There was a dispute of not compensating enough land between the chief and the Dutch and the Indian fighter John Underhill was hired and he killed a supposed 120 people.

During a dig in 1935 the remains of 24 people were dug up. The house sits between the areas where the Dutch and the Indians were. It is legend that the chief posesses people to rid the white population.

Jul 12, 2011
what is there to say
by: lucy collums

I have read about the Amityville Horror and have seen the movie. The Amityville in 3. D. Amityville the Demon, Amityville curse; all Amityville; they are all different. What is there to believe? Ronald Defeo, all he wanted was money so he killed his parents, brother and sisters. They were mean from what I have read.

I don't care, haunted or not. I will not stick my big toe in that house. I have seen that movie many times, on the show when it was first out in rented the movie. Still scary to me always.

Jun 28, 2011
by: the best girl in the world

OMG. I have seen about 10 minutes of the actual film Amityville Horror. Let alone actually seeing one. I bet it was the scariest thing you have seen in your life.

Jun 17, 2011
The house is still there,
by: Elizabeth

The house was never torn down, some identifying features have been changed, same with the address, but it is still there. I am kind of edgy about the whole story, but I think it would be kind of cool and freaky if they were.:)

May 16, 2011
by: Anonymous

Uhm the real Amityville house is in Amityville, new york. Not in Manchester UK.

Apr 19, 2011
NOT in Russia
by: Anonymous

There may be a similar story coming from Russia but the house in the movie Amityville Horror is most definitely based on the Long Island home. I grew up only a few miles from there and there is no mistaking this house for any other.

Apr 06, 2011
by: Anonymous

It's definitely a ghost!!! I think we would all be surprised at how many beings are around us!

Mar 21, 2011
by: Anonymous

Listen if you belive or not. There are ghosts and all, the devil is real and God is too. o yea...

Feb 27, 2011
by: Anonymous

i know that i will be not given 5 stars because you people want me to give a good comment or a false statement about it that ghost is there... this is true you only want lie not truth............

Feb 27, 2011
by: Anonymous

i know that i will be not given 5 stars because you people want me to give a good comment or a false statement about it that ghost is there... this is true you only want lie not truth............

Feb 25, 2011
by: Anonymous

gi ccould see tht thers nthg and if at all it appears it is smoke or somethng or the other i don''t undrstnd y u al guys keep such pics and try to spell out tht ghost is der visible if u can't see with ur naked eye how can u capture them in camera or watever it be,,, its such a waste of time im telling "waste of time"

Dec 28, 2010
I live near
by: Anonymous

Woah. I live near this house and I visited it

Oct 30, 2010
See something else as well?
by: Anonymous

The "something else" is probably the current owners looking out the window and saying "oh good, another tourist taking photos!"

Oct 25, 2010
Its not haunted
by: Anonymous

As someone who lives in Long Island, and has been to the Amityville house many times I can tell you that it's not haunted. The Lutz's made the whole thing up. No one has ever reported a haunting before them, or after them. The posted picture definitely looks like the house, although there are a few houses of that design on the block. The last time I was there the house was newly renovated and was definitely the nicest looking house on the block.

Oct 24, 2010
They don't like visitors.
by: Anonymous

The house is on private property and people are arrested now for tresspassing. Of course you can stay in your car and take photos. That's bull, still I imagine that they will make you move.

Oct 24, 2010
by: Cady

Whether this house is the real thing or a fake, I don't care. That white mist looks like a running girl. Creepy. Thanks for the pic. :)

Oct 14, 2010
by: Anonymous

The Amittyville house is in fact the most notorious house in America and the things that have happend there are true. Not only was a family rubbed out there but a family lived there for 28 days and what they went through was beyond our understanding.

George and Kathy Lutz have tried to make people understand what they went through and even after both their tragic deaths their story is still heard. People call them liars because they don't understand... they can't think outside the box because they are ignorant in every way!! Movies and books are tell nothing but a story of blood and gore when that's not what even happend in the first place.

George Lutz never tried to kill his family and they never fled the house... they went to sleep at Kathy's moms for the night with the intention of going back home. But once outside the home they wanted professional people to go through the house... it was after that when they decided not to go back!!!

So the movie was a dumb mistake that made the Lutz family look like liars. The town of Amittyville in itself is crazy and the history is strange enough. Lots of crazy murders went on there and they all seemed to claim the devil made them do it... so the idea that Ronnie Defeo made this story up is hard to believe.

A guy who was a grave digger in Amittyville took his friends to that house when it was empty and did a satanic ritual and then ended up killing themselves... a family that lived in that house for many years and what happend to the young man when he moved out? He died in the September 11th attacks. I believe the town of Amittyville is evil as well as that house. But the movie is wrong and is not worth sitting down to watch when they feed you stories about how the house was built over dead Indians.

There are no dead indians that were ever found there... but not too far from the house an ancient Indian burial ground was found and the history is that Indians where slaughtered there... which is true because almose anywhere you live has a history and some places are built over Indian grounds.

The house is now on the market going for 1.5 million and people are allowed inside to take a look... FOR BUYING THE HOUSE not going to see where a family was splattered from wall to wall!!! The world is a strange place and the idea that people are so eager to see that house shows that you really have no respect for the dead.

Oct 14, 2010
My take...
by: J

Honestly, ectoplasm and orbs in pictures don't really convince me. I believe in ghosts and everything, but I need something more than that to really get my interest.

Now on the topic of Amityville and whether it was real or not...I believe it was real. One thought that came to mind before was maybe it was just exaggerated a bit. Like they described being haunted by a demonic entity. I kind of wonder though, if it wasn't haunted by demons, but just haunted by the angry spirits of the DeFeo family? I wouldn't think it would be unusual to consider that the DeFeos would be angry, with the way they died. Even the priest said the voice that told him to "Get Out!" was a deep, masculine voice...Ronald DeFeo Sr. telling the priest to get out of what he thought was still HIS home?!? It's likely.)

Oct 05, 2010
by: AJ

I love the whole ghost story thing and I would love to live close to it but I feel sorry for the residents who inhabited it after the Lutz's. Must have been extrememly annoying all these fans watching the house.

It has just recently been bought again so the new owners will surely know what they are getting themselves into buying this 'famous' house. If I could afford to I would have bought it because of my fascination with ghosts and I think it's a gorgeous home BUT I don't think I would feel comfortable in it, let alone sleep in it, knowing that 6 people were murdered there.

Oct 03, 2010
Horror house
by: Anonymous

I live three towns away from the real house in Amityville, Long Island. The house has changed, the windows were changed and many other features were added... They have a sunroom now and it is currently up for sale

Sep 18, 2010
by: Anonymous

ok first of all how were you at the amityville house the house address has changed and they do not allow visitors to the house??? The new owners who never have any paranormal activity dont allow visitors there and the actual address that the house used to have no longer exsists the state changed it because of all the people who would try and catch a demon on film sorry but I think this is totally FAKE

Sep 13, 2010
by: bliss

The family that moved into the house after the Lutz family abandoned it say they have had no paranormal activity. If you read about the family who supposedly was haunted by demons in the house, there is alot of holes. people debunk it, prove it, debunk it, and so on and so fourth. Look it up. There definetly was a murder in which a father murdered his entire family and then himself. As far as the demonic forces its a very he said she said story. That photo looks like it could have easily been tampered with or misprocessed. Have a good day everyone.

Sep 04, 2010
I See Something Else As Well
by: Anonymous

If you look closely you can see something in the right window on the bottom floor near the lights post on the right

Aug 03, 2010
by: Anonymous

Looks like whoever took the picture was smoking a cigarette. It is cigarette smoke. Spooky!!!

Jul 29, 2010
Belive You But Got One Question
by: Anonymous

Is this house really haunted cause if it is then I want to go see it man post more pictures

Jul 07, 2010
Correct House
by: Valerie

Well since you seem to know all about whether that is the real house or not you think you would have don't your homework before trying to disprove this post. #1 the house that the movie was filmed at is not only not on the same street but in a different town thank the real house. and as far as you basing that its not the right house cause the windows are different you should know that the quarter windows on the front upstairs part of the house were replaced in 1990. That is in fact the real house in the picture. Good find and keep hunting.

Jul 02, 2010
by: Anonymous

YES!!! the house does still stand.. maybe you looked at the wrong adress because it still stands..

Jun 04, 2010
Know what youre saying!
by: Anonymous

The house still stands today. And indeed people do live in it. I myself live in amityville and My uncle lived in the house for quite some time. it is infact a very nice house. one of the nicer ones on the block. the numbers were changed after the "rush" to a different house number do to tourists damaging the house and littering the area. As a matter of fact my Grandfather was the man that changed the number of the house. It was renovated but never demolished. Still stands to this day in june 2010.

May 28, 2010
Lutz's cashed in? Are you crazy!
by: Anonymous

The Lutz's up until George Lutz's death in 2008, make just over 300,000.00 on these events. They put down 20 thousand when they bought the house. A very expensive "rent" for 28 days because they gave the house back to the bank. Lots of people made tons of money off this but not the Lutz's.
This will always be a controversy. But one thing is for sure, something was not right. And the fact that people keep saying "Why has nothing else happened after the lutz's moved out" is stupid because an exorcism was performed on the house. Any house can be a normal house for many years and suddenly be "infested" with a ghost. Who knows what was in that house. Also keep in mind that the movie was a work of hollywood and the actual book is what you need to read if you want real facts.
To the person who said they lived down the street. I'm sure having all this publicity sucks. Thats a snobby little town with crazy over inflated home values and such and its the last thing they wanted in their town was something like this. But, just like crime, evil has no address. Your experiences in the house were not the lutz's. No one will ever know 100 percent what really did or did not happen. But you have to admit... anything is possible.

May 28, 2010
That IS the house.
by: Anonymous

That IS the real house. The windows were removed and the house painted and the address number changed to make it harder to find it. Also, the movie house is in Toms River, New Jersey, NOT the same street. The pic you show on your comments is from back in the 70's when the house was black and had the jack-o-lantern windows. Anonymous needs to be more educated before making false statements. In fact, you can YOUTUBE Amityville Horror House For Sale and you will see the listing, as it went on the market on 5/25/10 for sale for over 1 million dollars. Lots of pics of the renovated house are online now.
Doubt that is mist tho. The Warrens performed an exorcism on the house with a lutheran church. There are no more ghosts haunting this house and have not been for many years. Its back to being just a house that used to be home to a demon.

May 27, 2010
by: Anonymous

thats not even the real house the windows are different people keep mistaking the real house from the movie one they are on the same street but there not the same house

this is the real house and its way different

May 25, 2010
by: Anonymous

it was all a hoax.

check out:

May 25, 2010
my curiosity
by: Anonymous

i'm curious about amityville ghost story especially how does the house look inside. pls. share us some pictures inside amityville house. im karen from philippines and a ghost story lover.

May 12, 2010
by: Anonymous

all i want to know if it is really haunted and if you can go to the house and see it like are you able to go inside...

p.s ghost demons all that paranormal stuff is real i know because i have expirience

May 03, 2010
to the "ocean" person
by: Anonymous

i wish folks would learn how to spell before they discuss ghosts and whether or not they exist. it makes you more believable if you spell correctly and use proper grammar.

Apr 01, 2010
Amityville house.
by: 112oceanave

For the first comment i read. You would be talking about the Crommerty's. They lived ther for 10 years until the Oldest son died from a drug overdose. We all have our options, to the house but NONE of us lived in the house. Dosent matter if you visted it many times with your friends. When it comes down to it. You, me or anyone else didnt live there when George and Kathy Lutz lived there. YOU cant say what happend and what didnt in there. YOU WASNT THERE!!!!!!!! All yours is, is an opion, and an opion dosent hold a glass a water. If they said it happened who are we to say "NO IT DIDNT HAPPEN" Wether it did or didnt how would you like to be called a liar till you died. Remember all your giving is your opion. Until you live it for yourself. you really cant call it a lie.

Mar 30, 2010
Don't bark up the wrong tree
by: Anonymous

Oh Please!!! I grew up in Amityville, just down the street. my friend lived there after the lutz's. I was in the house all the time. The only thing that haunted the residence was the ghost hunters! And the red room... a small storage space under the FURNISHED basement stairs!! My friends parents stored cases of soda and beer in there and that was all that would fit!! Don't get me wrong I'm a firm believer in ghosts but the Amityville house is just that...A house, with a tragic past. Sorry to burst your bubbles

Mar 04, 2010
To: Keith
by: Anonymous

Hi. Im so interested into ghosts stories and I'm really curious about the Amityville. In this world, I believe there are things that can't be explain and very terrified. I believe you can capture ghosts on camera. There is such thing as demons, ghosts, spirits,angels, and the devil.

Jan 30, 2010
by: Anonymous

Your saying there is no evidence of paranormal activity? You say youve been researching this case. What do you make of the picture of the child that was takin by a tv news crew when no one lived there?

Jan 14, 2010
Amityville hoax
by: Anonymous

The murders at the house had nothing to do with spirits or ghosts, and the killer was not possessed by some ancient Indian spirit and induced to murder his family. The Ludz family were attention seeking people who cashed in on the tragedy that occurred at the Amityville house. I am an avid crime reader and have follwed this particular case and watched every documentary that i can i have also been researching ghosts, spirits and demons as well as the occult since i was a child so i do believe in ghosts, Just no this particular one. There is no evidence at all of paranormal activity in the house and a lot of what has been documented can only be verified by the Ludz family. Is Amityville haunted well i would only venture to say someone will need to prove this fact beyond any doubt before i believe it.

Dec 28, 2009
One in a million
by: Julia

In my country,Indonesia,and I believe,in the whole world too,there are so many haunted house with so many reasons why.Murder,slavery or just because it's an old house or buildings.So I really do believe that Amityville has it's own dark history.The energy still remain and somehow that makes Mr.DeFeo,Jr gone wild.Thank you.

Dec 10, 2009
Amityville house
by: Anonymous

I beleve that Ronald Defao was passed manley beacse that house was barried on an indian ground i dont think that he was crazy he was just taken over bye a nother force i wouldnt pass it bye someone else can move in to the house but how the devil Strikes is that he gose for the week person who dosnt relly care for god thats when he makes hes move they blame it on the pills and hes dissorder but thats not the case the devil knew what he was doning

Nov 28, 2009
house of horrors
by: Anonymous

The house is still there and can be seen via google maps/satalite. you can also pick the little man from the zoom menu and put him in ocean ave and walk past the front of the house.

Nov 07, 2009
by: Anonymous

my grandmother was born and raised in long island ny and said that the house is still being lived in. from what she told me, when she spoke to the people who bought it they said nothing is ever seen, heard, or felt on the property.

Oct 31, 2009


Oct 29, 2009
I know
by: Anonymous

I know that the movies of Amityville isn't real about the haunted stuff, i know that guy did go crazy and kill his family

Oct 24, 2009
house still stands
by: Anonymous

It was never demolished, but it was renovated. My husbands Uncle lives across from the house, on the other side of the water. From uncles house you can see the boat dock. Took several pictures of the entire area, there is a ton of activity in Amityville, but not just because of this particular house, it's the land itself.

Oct 13, 2009
It's still there...
by: Pixy...

Christy - the house was not "demoed"'s still standing...they did renovate (changing some of it's "distinct" features), and give it a totally new address in order to help the neighbors avoid some of the difficulties caused by the "hype" and attention the area received after the "Amityville Horror" became so popular.

Nice try though...LOL.

Aug 18, 2009
Science explains
by: Amityville resident

The house is still there having been rehabed a number of times since the DeFeo murders in the 1970's. So too, the address has been changed from 112 Ocean Ave. years ago - specifically because of tourists coming to see it and causing traffic and annoying residents. The mist was probably due to the fact that Ocean Ave. houses are all on the water, and there is often mist or fog depending on the weather - having more to do with temperature rather than whether the evening is "calm" or not. As the sun sets the air cools and the heat given off by the sun-warmed earth and water can cause mists and fogs, and often do at water front property in Amityville. You can have mist in one place and none further down the road, or even next door. Basic science.

Jul 29, 2009
House is still there
by: Anonymous

Christy- the real house is still standing in Amityville. I drove by it this past Sunday morning.

Jul 21, 2009
Yeah right
by: Christy

I'm in love with the Amityville stories and know for a fact that the house is no longer around. It was demo-ed after all the hype. But nice try.

Jul 21, 2009
Time of day and flash?
by: Mac

My one question is what was the time of day for this photo. If it was as late as it appears and a car had driven by recently and the camera flashed you took a nice photo of dust. This is much more possible than some entity that wishes to expose itself in the form of what dust looks like when exposed to a flash.

Jul 01, 2009
by: Anonymous

Okay I am not trying to be a negative Nellie.. but was there something wrong with the camera when the picture was taken? I mean it does look like a ghostly encounter but how can you be sure that it wasn't just double exposure because I have a picture at home and it has many faces in it which might have been double exposure but I am not sure...

Much love,

Jun 27, 2009
by: keith was 100% calm night.that house is in a quiet area and there was no traffic.i love the story of Amityville and thought it would be great to visit,although the local redidents wouldn't agree.i flew from Ireland to visit New York but got the train to Amityville.

Jun 26, 2009
Hi Keith
by: Brenda - Webmaster

Wow, the Amityville house, eh?

Pretty spooky.

Can you please share the story of why/how you were there? I noticed you're from the States.

One thing. I'm not saying if it is or it isn't, but it almost looks like the motion blur of a car or someone walking in front of you. But you know me, look for the logical before the paranormal!

At any rate, thanks for the pic! Please share anything else you'd like to say about this by posting a comment here.


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