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A Picture Entitled, "Smoke."

by GreyReaver
(Brooklyn, NY, USA)

Let me explain the picture “smoke.jpg” that I have attached for your review.

One of the lawyers of our firm, who is a partner, has horses and he went camping with his family at Crater Lake. They took their horses because they had to ride on horse back to the place where they camped. A guide packed in their camping equipment on mules.

The guy you see on the left of the picture with the cowboy hat is the camp host and guide who packs your gear in and out of the campsites and guides the mules and cares for them, he is not part of the family.

The other person you see in the picture standing next to him is the wife of the attorney. They were the only people in the picture at the time the picture was taken by the attorney I work with. In addition, there wasn’t any fire and therefore there should have not been any smoke.

They cannot account for the smoke or what you see in the smoke. Needless, to say they are a little freaked out by the image they saw when they downloaded their pictures from their digital camera. The attorney says there must be some logical explanation as to the extra image and refused to entertain any theories people are having.

I think it is kind of freaky-weird and gives me goose pimples.