Shadow Person Ghost Videos

by Ryan Burns
(Duchesne Utah USA)

We went into a canyon behind my home called the Devil's Soupbowl to try and engage entities which are rumored to live there. That same evening this video was downloaded on a security camera. This We went into a canyon behind my home called the Devil's Soupbowl to try and engage entities which are rumored to live there.

That same evening this video was downloaded on a security camera. This was caught on one of the security cams at Strawberry River. I replay it several times so you don't have to. The entity is large enough to block the entire sidewalk as it moves towards the rear patio of the house, yet then disappears before blocking out the brick to the right.

Just doesn't make sense to me and I have watched it over and over.

It was filmed Aug 24 2011 at roughly 3:33 am (the clock and date stamped on this particular cam are incorrect.)

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