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Means Family House Investigation

by Brenda - Webmaster
(Inside your computer :-))

This video was created by Shadowman Productions. It is a twenty three minute-long account of Estill Paranormal Research's investigation of the Means Family home in Irvine, Kentucky. While the home is basically a ruins, it is not mentioned why the house is abandoned or why it is reportedly haunted.

Ghosts Across Kentucky
Ghosts Across Kentucky
During the investigation (at about 4:14) what might be a shoe is seen starting away from a doorway, in what appears to be an attempt to hide from view. Above the shoe, you can almost see a hand swinging in the darkness like someone turns and walks away. The film is quite murky and grainy, though, so it's hard to be certain.

What is nice, is they have recorded voice overs on the video when something significant happens that the investigating crew doesn't see at the time the footage is captured.

There are two accounts of glass breaking during the investigation, although the viewer can't see it happen. One of these occurrences happens at about 2:10 on the video. The crew does say they were nowhere near the glass when it occurs, but we can't see that. So I tend to discount those experiences as the house settling as the investigators make their walk-through. Note: On re-watching the glass-breaking incident, it does appear the crew is across the room at the time, although it can still be explained in other ways.

At about 20:15 what appears to be a shadow passes by a doorway. It is quite creepy, although a bit difficult to see through the grainy film. I personally am able to make it out, though, and it doesn't appear to be human.

For more footage from more Estill Paranormal Research investigations, please visit NightWriter's MySpace page.

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Means Family House Investigation

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Jan 30, 2010
bad photography
by: joker

this is what happens when u don't let the automatic lens catch up / u move to fast / they should have set up a stationary camera and used the other one to walk around with/ then move the stationary one when they change the batteries and film

Oct 13, 2009
by: Diana

THat is pretty cool I am not to far from Irvine, I live in Pikeville Ky

Oct 13, 2009
Just a question
by: Anonymous

Does anyone actually live in that house because if so how???

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