Ghost Picture or Mysterious Figure In Doorway

by Sam Taylor

My friend, Peter and I often like to go exploring old derelict buildings, so the fact we did this was nothing out of the ordinary. We saw this place of interest and decided to go check it out. (no idea why, we just both felt a strange need to)

Once we entered, which was via the roof as the door was boarded up, I pulled out my camera, as I enjoy taking photos of these places, I find they can hold quite a lot of beauty despite the ruin!

Pete then kindly informed me he "needed a piss", so I continued with my photography. A few minutes later, he returned, he looked a little shaken, I informed him that he did and told him to man up about a spider. He chuckled a little, but it looked forced. He then looked me dead in the eye, and said he wanted to leave, so we did so.

As we were walking back, he told me about how you get that feeling that someone's watching you, and how he had that "back there", but magnified ten fold. How he could have sworn someone was in the room with him, his gut feeling etc. Naturally I thought it was a load of rubbish, and made a few more jokes.

Later, when I got back, I was looking through the photos, picking out one or two I could use in my photography coursework, when I found this...

I literally have no idea what it is, and I am very skeptical when it comes to these things! Some sort of lighting issue, or someone messing around maybe? Anyway, I uploaded it here to see what you guys make of it.

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Ghost Picture or Mysterious Figure In Doorway

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Jul 27, 2011
You weren't alone
by: Anonymous

I thing it was a real man living their but it could be a ghosts but I think its to detailed to be one.

Jun 18, 2011
$5 footlong!
by: Anonymous

Wow I see the figure and I think it's eating Subway! Even ghosts enjoy a $5 dollar footlong!

Jun 15, 2011
What I Think . . .
by: Ghost Huntress

This a great picture! But that face is just a tad bit clear. If it were a ghost, I don't think it would be looking straight at the camera. But remember, just because the building looks ruined, doesn't mean that it's haunted. This figure you see in the doorway could possibly be discoloration on the wall. Just a possibility. :D

Jun 12, 2011
It's a man
by: Anonymous

I think it's a man

Jun 07, 2011
by: Anonymous

I don't see anything.

Jun 03, 2011
by: Anonymous

It may be any picture or something else.......

Jun 02, 2011
by: Passion

That is so scary.This is my first time seeing somthing like that.

Jun 01, 2011
He Looks Familiar
by: Anonymous

I keep thinking that the ghost looks a little like Raymond's dad on Everybody Loves Raymond! If it is real, it's way cool. One question though..if you have to enter through the roof, and the place is boarded up, well, you know where I'm going with this? There are tons of places that I would love to go for ghosthunting ventures, but the thought of doing jail time really stinks.

Anyway, like I said, if it's real, it's cool.

May 31, 2011
by: Robert

Wow! I clearly see the figure. Loving it! Perhaps it's a tormented spirit looking for help?

May 31, 2011
by: Sam

I agree Brenda, as I said I don't think it's paranormal at all! A friend informed me about this site and the people on here, and how they are experts in identifying and explaining these kind of things. :)

Okay, cool! -Brenda

May 30, 2011
Thank you Sam
by: Brenda - Webmaster

For your picture. I accepted it because it is very intriguing, however, the face appears too perfect to be paranormal. I suspect there is a rational explanation for it and also suspect my visitors will find it.

So here you go you guys. Let's debunk this one! And please keep it constructive, okay?

Thanks again, Sam


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